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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Lingua inglese

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Have you ever ____ that movie?   seen
Have you ever ____ to Germany?   been
Have you seen her? Yes, I ____.   have
He ____ a beautiful apartment in Rome.   has
He ____ come tomorrow.   will
He ____ hard.   works
He ____ in London.   lives
He ____ Italian.   is
He ____ meat. He prefers vegetables.   doesn't like
He ____ ten pages last night.   read
He ____ two children.   has
He died in 1990 ____ a car accident.   after
He goes to work ____ bus.   by
He hasn't bought ____ oranges.   any
He is ____ tall.   very
He is ____.   an artist
He is the ____ man of my life.   most romantic
He lives ____ number five.   at
He migrated to Istanbul five years ____.   ago
He never ____ on Sundays.   works
He returned to work ____ the summer holidays.   after
Her boyfriend has ____ hair.   blonde
How ____ do you travel to Italy?   often
How ____ experience have you had?   much
How ____ you?   are
How are you doing?   Fine, thanks
How many screens ____ there in this cinema complex?   are
How old ____ your sister?   is
How old are you?   I'm 18