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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Quesiti comuni - Lingua inglese

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Yes, I can give you _____ .   these ones
Yesterday I ____ to go to the hospital.   had
Yesterday the shop assistant ____ four ____.   sold / shirts
Yesterday was very ____.   cloudy
Yesterday, Jane had a very ____ day. She worked until 6 PM, then she went to the gym, the supermarket and the chemist's.   busy
You ____ read this book, it ____ so interesting.   must / is
You ______ a terrible mistake!   made
You ______ finish the work by ______.   must / Friday
You ______ spell syllables to dictate well.   must
You aren't right! You are ____!   wrong
You have your T-shirt on ____. Turn it around the right way.   backwards
You must ____ for at least two hours every day if you want to play the piano well.   practise
You must ____ the old house and ____ a flat in town.   sell / buy
You must ____ to the restaurant next door, it's ____ in town.   go / the best
You should always ____ the lights when you leave a room to save electricity.   turn off
You should not leave _____ this weather.   in
You will find someone ____ help you.   to
You work ______ than your father.   less
Your photos are bigger _____ .   than mine