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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Quesiti comuni - Lingua inglese

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Wait, don't give _____ this book.   him
We ____ ____ to the seaside.   often / go
We ____ for mushrooms ____ the wood.   are looking / in
We ____ tell him ____ truth.   must / the
We ____ the bus and had to walk.   missed
We _____ discussing it _____ the next conference.   are / at
We _____ to inform you that your application _____ successful.   regret / wasn't
We ______ looking for a new ______.   are / assistant
We already ____ here last year.   came
We are ____ meet the new boss ____ half an hour.   going to / in
We are having a special dinner to ____ his promotion.   celebrate
We are responsible ______ serious mistakes.   for
We contacted him _____ e-mail the _____ day.   by / following
We don't want this flat. The ____ is too high.   rent
We have ______ reports ______ write.   Lots of / to
We have been waiting ____ three hours.   for
We have parked our car _____ the house.   in front of
We must go home immediately: it is _____ midday.   already
We went fishing last week and my cousin ____ three big fish.   caught
We will go _____ the Mont Blanc tunnel.   through
We will go to see ______ .   them
We'll go on a tour with _____ .   him
We're _____ on a _____ project.   working / new
We're going to leave _____ France tomorrow morning.   for
We've only got ____ biscuits left.   a few
What ____ when you saw her?   was she wearing
What _____ doing? I _____ the newspaper.   are you / 'm reading
What are you talking ____ ?   about
What are you thinking ____ ?   of
What did he ____ yesterday afternoon?   do
What do you think your father ___ you for Christmas?   will give
What's ______ on?   going
When ____ to the theatre?   did you last go
When ____ your wife?   did you first meet
When _____ the new _____ come into force?   will / law
When he ____ in London he ____ very early in the morning.   was / woke up
When he was twenty-one, he ____ the Marines.   joined
When I was running in the park, I ____ my wallet.   lost
When it ____ I stay ____.   rains / at home
When the bell rang _____ went out.   everybody
When tourists come to Rome, they spend a lot of their time ____.   sightseeing
When you get to the traffic lights, turn left and then go ____ for about two hundred metres.   straight on
When you travel abroad, do you ____ with your family?   keep in touch
Where are you ____ this afternoon ?   going
Where did you go on holiday ____ summer ?   last
Where do you come____ ?   from
Where does the cinema festival _____ place?   take
While I ____ a bath, the phone rang.   was having
Who ____ coming?   is
Who gave it ____ ?   to you
Why are you crying? What's ____?   the matter
Winter in Russia is very ______ .   cold