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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

David received a letter.   It was written by Max
Decide which is the correct spelling of the adjective: 'scomodo' in English.   uncomfortable
Decide which is the correct spelling of the word: 'psicologia' in English.   psychology
Did you go out last night? Yes, ... ... to the cinema.   I went
Did you go to Diane's party last Saturday?   Oh yes, I met lots of interesting people
Do they have ... suggestions of what they would like to do?   any
Do we need to go inside the circle?   Yes, we do
Do you ........ chess?   play
Do you have a good relationship .... your parents?   with
Do you like chatting on the phone?   No, I hate it
Do you like surfing the Internet?   Yes I love doing that
Do you think he told the truth?   There is no reason to believe that he lied
Do you think violent supporters ........... Arrested?   should be
Do you work ... the evenings?   in
Don't disturb me, I'm busy.' 'Why? What ... ... ... ?   are you doing
Don't drink too much!'; in this sentence the verb is in the form of the ...   imperative
Don't panic! I'll tell you exactly what to do when ... here!   you get
Don't tell anybody. You .... keep it a secret.   must