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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

I advised him to wear a ____ , so that no one recognise him   wig
I can't _____ with my brother in law. I'll tell him to leave as soon as possible   put up
I don't know, I ____   haven't got a clue
I have to____ before finally deciding   think it over
I was about to fall down when someone ____ me   grabbed
I wash_____hands   my
I wish the director ____ to a decision yesterday   had come
If box A contains 10 balls, box B contains 20 balls, and box C contains 30 balls, then box A contains:   the fewest balls of all
If I____ rich, I____ purchase a personal jet   were/could
If you are "broad-minded" you are:   open-minded
If you put your finger in cold water you will ____ the pain   deaden
In the following sentence the part in brackets contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "Immigrants arriving in a new country [have to be learned new habits]".   have to learn new habits
In the following sentence the part in square brackets contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "They didn't get the contract because they [haven't being researching] the market situation very well".   hadn't been researching
In the sentence "One of the newspaper's strengths is the quality of its journalism", "strengths" means:   strong points
In the sentence "The candidate has good numeracy skills as well as linguistic aptitude", "numeracy" means the ability to:   work with figures
In the sentence: "He can't afford a new computer, so he will upgrade his old one", "afford" means:   pay for
In the sentence: "Negotiations suffered a severe setback", "setback" means:   defeat
In which season can we enjoy the "holiday season"?   Winter