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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: The receptionist _____ to spell my name.   didn't know how
Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following: Your purse? ____ in your office?   Isn't it
Choose the best word or phrase to complete this sentence: Several people ____ his suggestion and some emails were exchanged about this.   responded to
Choose the best word to complete this sentence: The composer Christian Fischer has just ____ at the age of 87.   died
Choose the best word to complete this sentence: The insurance pays ____the medical bills.   All
Choose the best word to complete this sentence: Translation can be a lucrative full- or part-time __ .   Job
Choose the correct form. “ _____ hours do you study every day?”   How many
Choose the correct form. “ We prepared the dinner by_________.”   ourselves
Choose the correct form. “Did you hear _____ John did?”   what
Choose the correct form. “I am sorry, but I _____ agree with you.”   don't
Choose the correct form. “I had a drink with Mary____Saturday.”   on
Choose the correct form. “I was about _____ when the phone rang.”   leaving
Choose the correct form. “I would like _____ me how to use the new equipment.”   you to show
Choose the correct form. “I'm not used _____dinner at 6 p.m.”   to having
Choose the correct form. “John lives_______ a small flat.”   in
Choose the correct form. “This is my sister; do you know _____ name?”   her
Choose the correct form. “What time_____to bed?”   do you usually go
Choose the correct form. “When _____ , give him this envelope.”   Steve arrives
Choose the correct form. _____ a tour of the palace?   Does the programme include
Choose the correct form. A good manager has to deal with problems quickly and effectively. "Deal with" means _____ .   manage
Choose the correct form. A major designer has divulged this season's fashions to a main competitor. "Divulged" means _____ .   revealed
Choose the correct form. As my mother is afraid of flying, she always travels _____ train.   by
Choose the correct form. Because of the reform of the ministry, a lot of employees risk to be _____ .   dismissed
Choose the correct form. Did you manage to finish the marathon?   yes, I did
Choose the correct form. He will be in Rome _____ time, but we have no time to see him.   some
Choose the correct form. I have not had the _____ to read the newspaper today.   possibility
Choose the correct form. if I were offered a job in America I _____ it immediately.   would take
Choose the correct form. I'm sorry I haven't written earlier.   that's all right
Choose the correct form. It _____ a disaster if we lost the contract.   would be
Choose the correct form. Mary made a swift _____ from her illness.   recovery
Choose the correct form. Only owners of residence permits can park here. "Owners" means _____ .   proprietors
Choose the correct form. She _____ many different jobs since she moved to silicon valley.   has had
Choose the correct form. She is going to change her job when she _____ a better one.   is offered
Choose the correct form. The new director is very enthusiastic and works hard to _____ his objectives.   achieve
Choose the correct form. The office is open from 9 in the morning _____ 6 in the evening, Monday to Friday.   until
Choose the correct form. The potato is not indigenous to Europe and _____ is the tomato.   neither
Choose the correct form. The region was voted the _____ productive in Italy.   most
Choose the correct form. What _____ when you finish the course?   are you going to do
Choose the correct form. What do you like doing in the evening?   listening to music
Choose the correct form. Where are you going to _____ your Christmas holidays this year?   spend
Choose the correct form. Yesterday, the guests _____ in through the main entrance.   came
Choose the correct form. You really _____ to see a doctor about that back problem.   need
Choose the correct form:   an apple
Choose the correct form:   an egg
Choose the correct form:   an inkpot
Choose the correct form:   an old book
Choose the correct form:   a horse
Choose the correct form:   a big egg
Choose the correct form:   a hat
Choose the correct form:   a dog
Choose the correct form:   a letter
Choose the correct form:   a lamp
Choose the correct form:   a car
Choose the number between five and seven:   six
Choose the number between nineteen and twenty-one:   twenty
Choose the right way to begin this question: ___you think you'll miss her?   Do
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “... if I open the window?”   Do you mind
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “... is strong enough to lift it”.   None of us
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “I like this song. Please ... the radio”.   turn up
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “I remember the Christmases we spent in Italy when we ... Martinis on the beach before Christmas lunch”.   used to drink
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “I urgently need information on the climate in Patagonia but ...”.   I can't find it
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “In ancient times, doctors ... decide what was wrong by examining body fluids such as urine, phlegm and vomit”.   had to
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “She has never ... at a public event before”.   spoken
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “The car stopped outside the supermarket ... the bank”.   in front of
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “The dentist told him to open his mouth ...”.   wide
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “The professor ... talking despite the fact that his students ... listening to him”.   carried on; were no longer
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “We ran all the way, but got to the station really late, and our train ...”.   had already left
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. “We'll be late: ...”.   it is two hours since we've been stuck here
Completare la seguente frase: Sorry, I have to go right now, otherwise ____   I miss my train
Completare la seguente frase: This shirt is ____ than the blue one, but ____ than the white one.   Nicer, more expensive
Complete correctly. “My holiday is __________July.”   In
Complete correctly. “Robert __________to play football this evening.”   Is going
Complete correctly. “The Pacific is the__________ocean in the world.”   Largest
Complete correctly. It's _____ expensive for a european student to study in the best american universities.   too
Complete correctly. She asked me where _____ last night.   I went
Complete correctly. The ferry was delayed _____ fog.   due to
Complete correctly. Traffic has been banned from the city centre _____ to reduce pollution.   in order
Complete correctly. We usually spend the weekends _____ the garden.   doing
Complete correctly. When I finish the course, I _____ work in a software house.   could
Countries _________ main industry is tourism are very vulnerable to changes in fashion.   whose