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We had been waiting for the coach for ages. ______________ , it arrived two hours late.   Eventually
Which sentence is correct?   A head teacher should be prepared to deal with family and discipline problems as well as logistical ones.
Which sentence is correct?   A number of Internet sites admit that some applications pass personal information to marketers without the users' knowledge.
Which sentence is correct?   After experimenting with hypnosis on his neurotic patients, Freud abandoned it as ineffective.
Which sentence is correct?   A bully is someone who systematically victimises another person, perceived as physically or intellectually different from himself.
Which sentence is correct?   Art therapy uses the process of making art to improve a person's mental and emotional well-being.
Which sentence is correct?   Nowadays, classes are too big and there aren't enough experienced teachers.
Which sentence is correct?   It's very difficult to teach adolescents.
Which sentence is correct?   A trade union is an organised association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests.