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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di 70-176: Desktop applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6

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A Data Link creates which object(s)?   Connection
Assume that you create a new Visual Basic project, choosing an ActiveX control as the project type. To your control, you add the UpDown control followed by a ComboBox control and then a TextBox control. You set the properties of the UpDown control as follows:

AutoBuddy = True
BuddyProperty = Text
Min = 0
Max = 10

Next, you run the project and click on the up arrow on the UpDown control. Which of the controls on the form will change its display?

   The ComboBox control
Assume you have a DataEnvironment object with a Connection object named conOracle. It contains two Command objects named cmdEmployee and cmdCustomer. frmEmployee has controls bound to cmdEmployee, and frmCustomer has controls bound to cmdCustomer. Both are open and both are editing Recordset objects derived from the two Command objects. In frmCustomer, the user presses a CommandButton control. In the event procedure, your code executes a RollbackTrans method. Next, the user clicks on a CommandButton control on frmCustomer, where your event procedure executes a CommitTrans method. Which of the following statements is true?   Changes to both cmdEmployee and cmdCustomer are lost.