Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di 70-229: SQL Server 2000 database design and implementation
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- Sam needs to set up her stored procedure so that when invalid data values are passed into the stored procedure, the stored procedure will cause the application to see an error and have SQL Server log an event into the error log. Which of the following will allow this to happen?
RAISERROR ('Invalid Data', 50000, 1) WITH LOG
RAISERROR ('Invalid Data', 50000, 1) WITH LOG
- SQL Server Profiler can trace which of the following events?
Select all that apply. New connections
Select all that apply. New connections
- SQL Server Profiler can trace which of the following events?
Select all that apply. SQL operators
Select all that apply. SQL operators
- SQL Server Profiler can trace which of the following events?
Select all that apply. Writes to the SQL Server error log
Select all that apply. Writes to the SQL Server error log
- SQL Server Profiler can trace which of the following events?
Select all that apply. TSQL batch completion
Select all that apply. TSQL batch completion
- SQL Sever maintains what types of information about a column in the table definition?
Name, data type, NULL option, and constraint information
Name, data type, NULL option, and constraint information
- Stephen is the administrator of several SQL Server machines that are configured to act as a server farm. They are all configured identically to support the work of importing data files sent in by clients and manipulating that data into a consistent format that can then be merged into a Master database nightly. Stephen often has to run ad-hoc queries and manually restart stored procedures to troubleshoot problems that can arise on the remote machines. Which of the following are methods that he can use to administer those machines?
Choose all that apply. He can use Query Analyzer to connect to any of the servers he needs and run ad-hoc queries.
Choose all that apply. He can use Query Analyzer to connect to any of the servers he needs and run ad-hoc queries.
- Stephen is the administrator of several SQL Server machines that are configured to act as a server farm. They are all configured identically to support the work of importing data files sent in by clients and manipulating that data into a consistent format that can then be merged into a Master database nightly. Stephen often has to run ad-hoc queries and manually restart stored procedures to troubleshoot problems that can arise on the remote machines. Which of the following are methods that he can use to administer those machines?
Choose all that apply. He can define all the servers in the farm as linked servers and send queries to any of them from one master server.
Choose all that apply. He can define all the servers in the farm as linked servers and send queries to any of them from one master server.
- Stephen is the administrator of several SQL Server machines that are configured to act as a server farm. They are all configured identically to support the work of importing data files sent in by clients and manipulating that data into a consistent format that can then be merged into a Master database nightly. Stephen often has to run ad-hoc queries and manually restart stored procedures to troubleshoot problems that can arise on the remote machines. Which of the following are methods that he can use to administer those machines?
Choose all that apply. He should set up his office in the same room as the servers so he can have convenient access to each of them when he needs to run a query.
Choose all that apply. He should set up his office in the same room as the servers so he can have convenient access to each of them when he needs to run a query.
- Susan is writing a script that will make modifications to several related tables in a high-usage database. This is a short, very fast script that will be run several times a day by the shipping department whenever a new shipment is ready. Because it is absolutely critical that incomplete information is never found in this system, she decides to enclose the script within a transaction so that all her changes are made together. Because it is such a high-use database, however she sets the transaction isolation level to READ COMMITTED so that this process will disrupt other users as little as possible.
How would you rate Susan’s solution? This is a poor solution. Due to the low isolation level her script may read inconsistent data.
How would you rate Susan’s solution? This is a poor solution. Due to the low isolation level her script may read inconsistent data.