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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di 70-015: Distributed applications with Microsoft Visual C+ 6.0

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What business rule does the following trigger implement?

CREATE TRIGGER check_balance
ON transactions
IF ( SELECT txn_type FROM inserted ) = 'W'
AND ( SELECT acct_type
FROM account a , inserted i

   If a withdrawal overdraws a checking account, transfer $200 from the customer's savings account to his checking account and raise an error.
What business rule does the following trigger implement?

CREATE TRIGGER triggers_happen
ON transactions
IF (SELECT txn_type FROM deleted ) = 'D'
UPDATE accounts a
SET balance = balance – d.amount
FROM deleted d

   When a deposit or withdrawal is canceled, update the account appropriately.
What does ATL stand for?   Active Template Library
What is the relational construct that compares rows of a given table to other rows in the same table?   Self-join
What is the result of the following code?

CDataSource ds;
hr = ds.OpenFromInitializationString(

   It will open the pubs database as a data source.
What is the term used by MTS to identify collections of components that together perform a task or a set of related tasks?   Package
Which ADO objects can be created independently? [Check all correct answers]   Recordset
Which ADO objects can be created independently? [Check all correct answers]   Connection
Which ADO objects can be created independently? [Check all correct answers]   Command
Which are tabbed panes in the Variables debug window? [Check all correct answers]   Auto
Which are tabbed panes in the Variables debug window? [Check all correct answers]   Local
Which are tabbed panes in the Variables debug window? [Check all correct answers]   This
Which are two valid ways of acquiring a certificate?   Generate a test certificate by using the MakeCert utility.
Which are two valid ways of acquiring a certificate?   Purchase a certificate from a CA.
Which components or applications are required for MTS operation on NT 4? [Check all correct answers]   MMC
Which components or applications are required for MTS operation on NT 4? [Check all correct answers]   IE 4.01 (or higher)
Which core features appear in Windows 2000 to support the ZAW initiative? [Check all correct answers]   Support for mobile and roaming users
Which core features appear in Windows 2000 to support the ZAW initiative? [Check all correct answers]   Side-by-side machine replacement with no loss of user data
Which core features appear in Windows 2000 to support the ZAW initiative? [Check all correct answers]   Remote, centralized, policy-based management
Which debug utility is especially useful for debugging and testing ActiveX controls?   Test Container
Which function does the framework call to initialize data in a dialog box or to retrieve and validate dialog box data?   CWnd::DoDataExchange()
Which information is not contained in a certificate?   A field that indicates the validity of the certificate
Which IObjectContext interface method indicates a successful completion of the object's participation in a transaction?   EnableCommit
Which of the following are features of SMS operation? [Check all correct answers]   Dry run
Which of the following are features of SMS operation? [Check all correct answers]   Roll-back
Which of the following are features of SMS operation? [Check all correct answers]   Patch
Which of the following are IObjectContext interface methods?   SetComplete(), SetAbort(), EnableCommit(), and DisableCommit().
Which of the following are valid ADO cursor values? [Check all correct answers]   adOpenStatic
Which of the following are valid ADO cursor values? [Check all correct answers]   adOpenDynamic
Which of the following are valid ADO cursor values? [Check all correct answers]   adOpenForwardOnly
Which of the following are valid ADO cursor values? [Check all correct answers]   adOpenKeyset
Which of the following can be used in a WHERE clause? [Check all correct answers]   IN
Which of the following can be used in a WHERE clause? [Check all correct answers]   BETWEEN
Which of the following can be used in a WHERE clause? [Check all correct answers]   LIKE
Which of the following can perform a query? [Check all correct answers]   Recordset::Open()
Which of the following can perform a query? [Check all correct answers]   Connection::Execute()
Which of the following can perform a query? [Check all correct answers]   Command::Execute()
Which of the following can you do with the DCOMCNFG utility? [Check all correct answers]   Set default security values that apply to all DCOM applications on a machine.
Which of the following can you do with the DCOMCNFG utility? [Check all correct answers]   Allow clients on other machines to access COM objects on this machine.
Which of the following can you do with the DCOMCNFG utility? [Check all correct answers]   Set security values that apply to a particular application.
Which of the following can you do with the DCOMCNFG utility? [Check all correct answers]   Specify where an application should run when a client calls CoCreateInstance().
Which of the following does MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) provide support services for? [Check all correct answers]   ADO
Which of the following does MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) provide support services for? [Check all correct answers]   OLE DB
Which of the following does MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) provide support services for? [Check all correct answers]   ODBC
Which of the following functions must be implemented by all in-process servers? [Check all correct answers]   DllCanUnloadNow()
Which of the following functions must be implemented by all in-process servers? [Check all correct answers]   DllGetClassObject()
Which of the following functions must be implemented by all in-process servers? [Check all correct answers]   DllRegisterServer()
Which of the following functions must be implemented by all in-process servers? [Check all correct answers]   DllUnregisterServer()
Which of the following pairs of macros does MFC use to define the COM interface map?   BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP and END_INTERFACE_MAP
Which of the following scenarios violates referential integrity (leaves an orphan)?   Remove a parent record that has only one child.
Which of the following statements concerning views are true? [Check all correct answers]   Views must be uniquely named.
Which of the following statements concerning views are true? [Check all correct answers]   Views can simplify complex SQL operations.
Which of the following statements is true regarding the creation of a dockable toolbar?   You must enable docking for the frame, enable docking for each toolbar that you want to be dockable, and dock the toolbar to the frame window.
Which of the following statements regarding ATL's object map are true? [Check all correct answers]   It controls the class factories and registration for the coclasses in your project.
Which of the following statements regarding ATL's object map are true? [Check all correct answers]   The BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP and END_OBJECT_MAP macros define the start and end of the object map.
Which of the following statements regarding indexes is false?   INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements cannot use indexes.
Which one of the following statements regarding reference counting is true?   The client should call AddRef() whenever it makes a copy of a non-null interface pointer.
Which operating systems are DCOM compliant or can be made DCOM compliant? [Check all correct answers]   Windows 2000
Which operating systems are DCOM compliant or can be made DCOM compliant? [Check all correct answers]   Windows 98
Which operating systems are DCOM compliant or can be made DCOM compliant? [Check all correct answers]   Windows 95
Which operating systems are DCOM compliant or can be made DCOM compliant? [Check all correct answers]   Windows NT 4 Workstation
Which register can you modify to change the next instruction that is to be executed?   EIP
Which security concept masks information in a way that makes it unintelligible to anyone other than the intended recipient?   Encryption
Which SQL construct allows the result of an inner query to be passed to an outer query?   Subquery
Which statement best describes the purpose of a firewall?   A firewall inspects each packet entering or leaving a network and allows it to pass based on security configuration rules.
Which statement is correct?   An ActiveX control must support at least the IUnknown interface and be self-registering.
Which two of the following statements are false?   Given a class that can be aggregated, when created as a nonaggregated component, the constructor must ensure that the IUnknown * member variable is NULL.
Which two of the following statements are false?   A client can determine if a component is using aggregation.
Which two of the following statements are true?   ATL's CSession OLE DB template class represents a physical connection to a data source.
Which two of the following statements are true?   ATL's CDataSource OLE DB template class represents a logical connection to a data source.
Which types of COM servers operate under the MTS environment?   In-process
Which Visual C++ edition allows only static linking to the MFC libraries?   Standard
Which watch window formatting codes can be used for a signed decimal integer? [Check all correct answers]   d
Which watch window formatting codes can be used for a signed decimal integer? [Check all correct answers]   i