Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di 70-015: Distributed applications with Microsoft Visual C+ 6.0
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- What business rule does the following trigger implement?
If a withdrawal overdraws a checking account, transfer $200 from the customer's savings account to his checking account and raise an error.
CREATE TRIGGER check_balance
ON transactions
IF ( SELECT txn_type FROM inserted ) = 'W'
AND ( SELECT acct_type
FROM account a , inserted i
- What business rule does the following trigger implement?
When a deposit or withdrawal is canceled, update the account appropriately.
CREATE TRIGGER triggers_happen
ON transactions
IF (SELECT txn_type FROM deleted ) = 'D'
UPDATE accounts a
SET balance = balance – d.amount
FROM deleted d
- What does ATL stand for? Active Template Library
- What is the relational construct that compares rows of a given table to other rows in the same table? Self-join
- What is the result of the following code?
It will open the pubs database as a data source.
CDataSource ds;
hr = ds.OpenFromInitializationString(
- What is the term used by MTS to identify collections of components that together perform a task or a set of related tasks? Package
- Which ADO objects can be created independently? [Check all correct answers] Recordset
- Which ADO objects can be created independently? [Check all correct answers] Connection
- Which ADO objects can be created independently? [Check all correct answers] Command
- Which are tabbed panes in the Variables debug window? [Check all correct answers] Auto
- Which are tabbed panes in the Variables debug window? [Check all correct answers] Local
- Which are tabbed panes in the Variables debug window? [Check all correct answers] This
- Which are two valid ways of acquiring a certificate? Generate a test certificate by using the MakeCert utility.
- Which are two valid ways of acquiring a certificate? Purchase a certificate from a CA.
- Which components or applications are required for MTS operation on NT 4? [Check all correct answers] MMC
- Which components or applications are required for MTS operation on NT 4? [Check all correct answers] IE 4.01 (or higher)
- Which core features appear in Windows 2000 to support the ZAW initiative? [Check all correct answers] Support for mobile and roaming users
- Which core features appear in Windows 2000 to support the ZAW initiative? [Check all correct answers] Side-by-side machine replacement with no loss of user data
- Which core features appear in Windows 2000 to support the ZAW initiative? [Check all correct answers] Remote, centralized, policy-based management
- Which debug utility is especially useful for debugging and testing ActiveX controls? Test Container
- Which function does the framework call to initialize data in a dialog box or to retrieve and validate dialog box data? CWnd::DoDataExchange()
- Which information is not contained in a certificate? A field that indicates the validity of the certificate
- Which IObjectContext interface method indicates a successful completion of the object's participation in a transaction? EnableCommit
- Which of the following are features of SMS operation? [Check all correct answers] Dry run
- Which of the following are features of SMS operation? [Check all correct answers] Roll-back
- Which of the following are features of SMS operation? [Check all correct answers] Patch
- Which of the following are IObjectContext interface methods? SetComplete(), SetAbort(), EnableCommit(), and DisableCommit().
- Which of the following are valid ADO cursor values? [Check all correct answers] adOpenStatic
- Which of the following are valid ADO cursor values? [Check all correct answers] adOpenDynamic
- Which of the following are valid ADO cursor values? [Check all correct answers] adOpenForwardOnly
- Which of the following are valid ADO cursor values? [Check all correct answers] adOpenKeyset
- Which of the following can be used in a WHERE clause? [Check all correct answers] IN
- Which of the following can be used in a WHERE clause? [Check all correct answers] BETWEEN
- Which of the following can be used in a WHERE clause? [Check all correct answers] LIKE
- Which of the following can perform a query? [Check all correct answers] Recordset::Open()
- Which of the following can perform a query? [Check all correct answers] Connection::Execute()
- Which of the following can perform a query? [Check all correct answers] Command::Execute()
- Which of the following can you do with the DCOMCNFG utility? [Check all correct answers] Set default security values that apply to all DCOM applications on a machine.
- Which of the following can you do with the DCOMCNFG utility? [Check all correct answers] Allow clients on other machines to access COM objects on this machine.
- Which of the following can you do with the DCOMCNFG utility? [Check all correct answers] Set security values that apply to a particular application.
- Which of the following can you do with the DCOMCNFG utility? [Check all correct answers] Specify where an application should run when a client calls CoCreateInstance().
- Which of the following does MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) provide support services for? [Check all correct answers] ADO
- Which of the following does MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) provide support services for? [Check all correct answers] OLE DB
- Which of the following does MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) provide support services for? [Check all correct answers] ODBC
- Which of the following functions must be implemented by all in-process servers? [Check all correct answers] DllCanUnloadNow()
- Which of the following functions must be implemented by all in-process servers? [Check all correct answers] DllGetClassObject()
- Which of the following functions must be implemented by all in-process servers? [Check all correct answers] DllRegisterServer()
- Which of the following functions must be implemented by all in-process servers? [Check all correct answers] DllUnregisterServer()
- Which of the following pairs of macros does MFC use to define the COM interface map? BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP and END_INTERFACE_MAP
- Which of the following scenarios violates referential integrity (leaves an orphan)? Remove a parent record that has only one child.
- Which of the following statements concerning views are true? [Check all correct answers] Views must be uniquely named.
- Which of the following statements concerning views are true? [Check all correct answers] Views can simplify complex SQL operations.
- Which of the following statements is true regarding the creation of a dockable toolbar? You must enable docking for the frame, enable docking for each toolbar that you want to be dockable, and dock the toolbar to the frame window.
- Which of the following statements regarding ATL's object map are true? [Check all correct answers] It controls the class factories and registration for the coclasses in your project.
- Which of the following statements regarding ATL's object map are true? [Check all correct answers] The BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP and END_OBJECT_MAP macros define the start and end of the object map.
- Which of the following statements regarding indexes is false? INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements cannot use indexes.
- Which one of the following statements regarding reference counting is true? The client should call AddRef() whenever it makes a copy of a non-null interface pointer.
- Which operating systems are DCOM compliant or can be made DCOM compliant? [Check all correct answers] Windows 2000
- Which operating systems are DCOM compliant or can be made DCOM compliant? [Check all correct answers] Windows 98
- Which operating systems are DCOM compliant or can be made DCOM compliant? [Check all correct answers] Windows 95
- Which operating systems are DCOM compliant or can be made DCOM compliant? [Check all correct answers] Windows NT 4 Workstation
- Which register can you modify to change the next instruction that is to be executed? EIP
- Which security concept masks information in a way that makes it unintelligible to anyone other than the intended recipient? Encryption
- Which SQL construct allows the result of an inner query to be passed to an outer query? Subquery
- Which statement best describes the purpose of a firewall? A firewall inspects each packet entering or leaving a network and allows it to pass based on security configuration rules.
- Which statement is correct? An ActiveX control must support at least the IUnknown interface and be self-registering.
- Which two of the following statements are false? Given a class that can be aggregated, when created as a nonaggregated component, the constructor must ensure that the IUnknown * member variable is NULL.
- Which two of the following statements are false? A client can determine if a component is using aggregation.
- Which two of the following statements are true? ATL's CSession OLE DB template class represents a physical connection to a data source.
- Which two of the following statements are true? ATL's CDataSource OLE DB template class represents a logical connection to a data source.
- Which types of COM servers operate under the MTS environment? In-process
- Which Visual C++ edition allows only static linking to the MFC libraries? Standard
- Which watch window formatting codes can be used for a signed decimal integer? [Check all correct answers] d
- Which watch window formatting codes can be used for a signed decimal integer? [Check all correct answers] i