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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Choose the alternative which best completes the following sentence. "..., would you?".   I don't suppose you would like another beer
Choose the alternative which best completes the following sentence. "Diabetes, ..., is sometimes caused by an antibody that destroys the pancreas cells producing this hormone".   a serious disease in which the body cannot produce enough insulin
Choose the alternative which best completes the sentence. "The architect ... the drawing when ... the mistakes".   had just finished; he noticed
Choose the alternative which does not change the meaning of the phrase in square brackets in the following sentence. "This car is [cheaper] than that one".   less expensive
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the phrase in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "Sally [has been vegetarian] for years".   hasn't eaten meat
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "He looked everywhere in his room, but [couldn't] find his keys".   wasn't able to
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "I can [see] by your tan that you've been on holiday".   tell
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "It's customary to [wear] black at funerals".   dress in
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "John is happy because his salary has [risen]".   increased
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "She [remembered] seeing a man outside the shop that night".   recalled
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The man [hurt] his back moving heavy tables".   injured
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "This technique is pretty [outdated]".   old-fashioned
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "We asked a man where the bank was, but he didn't [answer]".   reply
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "We spent Sunday on the [couch] watching TV".   sofa
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "About a third of Americans suffer from [occasional] insomnia".   periodic
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "He is a very [reliable] person".   dependable
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "I shall complete the task [forthwith]".   at once
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "Jim [used to be] married to an Indian".   was once
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "One of the [players] broke his leg".   competitors
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "Peter's [attire] is most becoming".   costume
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The [muffled] sounds intrigued us".   muted
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "It was [an endless] list of terrible events".   a never-ending
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and does not change the meaning of the sentence. "I tried two pairs of shoes, but I [didn't like either of them]".   liked neither of them
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "Building that new fireplace [has worn me out]".   has made me really tired
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "I didn't [expect] that film [to be] so good".   think; would be
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "She looks good now that she [has lost weight]".   slimmed down
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The driver is sorry about the accident. He [regrets what happened very much]".   really regrets what happened
Choose the answer which is closest in meaning to the underlined word and which does not change the meaning of the original sentence. "Sonar devices can locate the position of submerged objects through echoes".   underwater
Choose the answer which is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "Water waves are (generated) by the action of the wind".   produced
Choose the answer which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and wich does not change the meaning of the original sentence. "You can be sure that [we will be received with open arms] when we get home".   we will be greeted warmly
Choose the correct meaning of the phrase between square brackets. "I'm too tired to cook tonight. Why don't we [eat out]?".   have dinner in a restaurant
Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in brackets. "After a day of negotiations, the ambassadors still [could not see eye to eye]".   they did not agree
Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in brackets. "The boy enjoyed the poem so much that he decided to [learn it by heart]".   memorize it
Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in square brackets. Jean: 44How did you know it was my birthday today?" Susan: 00h, you know, [a little birdie told me!].   an unnamed person told Susan about Jean's birthday
Choose the correct meaning of the word in square brackets. "We arrived too late. The party was [over]".   finished
Choose the correct meaning of the words between square brackets. "If you have another suggestion, [I am all ears]".   I am willing to listen
Choose the correct sentence.   I ran upstairs as fast as I could
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "... to get to Piazza della Marina?". "About 20 minutes".   How long does it take
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "A midwife is a qualified nurse ... extra training in obstetrics".   who has had
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "Aristotle, one of the greatest natural philosophers, ..., the leading cultural and intellectual city in Greece".   lived in Athens
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "Bill drunk a ... while he was at the market".   glass of water
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "By the time you read this letter, I ...".   will be gone
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "David was ... all day".   at home
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "Frederick J. Turner, ..., argued that the frontier shaped a distinctive way of life".   a famous American historian
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "If you don't like your job ...".   you had better quit
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "It is extraordinary that she ... to hold her breath for so long".   is able
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "Janet has ... a teaching job".   put in for
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "More people live in New York ...".   than in Washington
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "Pablo ... speak English, ...?".   can't; can he
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "The carpenter tried ... of the broken beam".   to join the pieces
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "The thief got the ... out of the bag and counted ..., while the police ... about to catch him".   money; it; were
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "The workers ... doing overtime".   are fed up with
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "There's ... in the way he talks".   something strange
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. "What ... on Sundays?".   does Tony usually eat
Choose the group of words which best completes the sentence. "I can't buy a DVD player, ...".   I haven't got enough money
Choose the group of words which best completes the sentence. "We've got enough plates, but we must buy some ...".   plastic knives and forks
Choose the group of words which best completes the sentence. "What's the time?". "It's almost ...".   half past eleven
Choose the noun that is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and that does not change the meaning of the sentence. "This is a clear [instance] of his laziness".   example
Choose the odd word out.   Cow
Choose the right alternative to complete the following sentence. "What time does the train arrive ... Milan?" "At about 5 o'clock".   in
Choose the right alternative to complete the sentence. "Is this Judy's book?". "No, it's ...".   ours
Choose the right synonym of the word between square brackets. "My secretary is very [fast] in doing things".   quick
Choose the right synonym of the word between square brackets. "The teacher's way of explaining has been very [clear]".   plain
Choose the right synonym to the word between square brackets. "He is always very [kind]".   polite
Choose the right synonym to the word between square brackets. "The prisoner wanted to [escape]".   run away
Choose the right synonym to the word between square brackets. "The show has been very [amusing]".   entertaining
Choose the right verb tense that completes the following sentence. "That year they broke up, but they ... for four years".   had been married
Choose the synonym of the word between square brackets. "John was very [glad] about your success".   happy
Choose the synonym of the word between square brackets. "My sister is always very [careful]".   cautious
Choose the synonym of the word between square brackets. "This is the book that John [required]".   requested
Choose the synonym of the word in square brackets of the following sentence. "He believes everything you [tell] him".   say to
Choose the word or group of words that best replaces the word in square brackets of the following sentence. "I hope he will be able to do the job [properly]".   in the right way
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "... were you talking?".   With whom
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "... your biggest faults is impatience".   One of
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "Do you think it ... tomorrow?".   will rain
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "He used to ... to school on foot".   go
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "I have to buy ...".   a loaf of bread
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "I really ... any interesting films lately".   haven't seen
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "If Mary ... us a big dinner tonight, I wouldn't suggest that we have a pizza".   made
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "The book I'm reading ... Henry Fielding".   was written by
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "They ... not forget Henry's birthday gift".   had better
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "They said they would come, ... they?".   didn't
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "They woke up when they ... the noise".   heard
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "Three-dimensional art forms include sculpture, architecture and ...".   jewellery
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "Vienna is in Germany, isn't "No, ...".   it isn't
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "We can probably find ... bed at that big shop".   a comfortable
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "What time will you get to the airport?". "At 7.30. I'll give you a call when I ...".   arrive
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "Would you like ... pasta?".   some more
Choose the word or group of words which best completes the sentence. "Obesity can be caused by eating ... when you're a child".   too much
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. "... gloves are not expensive".   These
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. "At the dinner party, Patricia sat ... Peter".   next to
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. "If Peter ... to come with me, he would   had wanted; have telephoned
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. "There is a bus ... the hotel".   outside
Choose the word that best replaces the one in square brackets of the following sentence. "The job I want to do is a very [hard] one".   tough
Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and that does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The teacher's way of explaining has been very [clear]".   plain
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "... I have some water, please?".   May
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "... will you finish up your dinner?".   When
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "Although the members of Council wanted to go home for dinner, there was no hope for an early ...".   adjournment
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "Have you been here before?". "Yes, I ...".   have
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "He doesn't have time for his many ...".   hobbies
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "His ... directions misled us; we did not know which of the two roads to take".   ambiguous
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "How long does the plane take to ... to Rome?".   get
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "I ... the glass".   broke
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "I will ... at the concert tomorrow".   sing
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "I'd like to apply for that banking job but I haven't got ... experience in international finance".   Muth
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "It's cold today. You'll need to wear a ... if you go out".   coat
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "Mr Faye designs colourful Christmas wrapping   paper
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "My friends gave me a surprise party, ... was good of them".   which
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "That unpleasant man always ... hatefully".   behaves
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "The football match will be ... off because of the snow".   called
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "The sky was grey and it ... heavily".   rained
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "They are jealous ... your success".   of
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "You were frightened by a concept which you ... in your own mind".   created
Choose the word which best completes the sentence. "The audience had mixed feelings ... the film".   about
Choose the word which best fits the meaning of the sentence. "Architects travel to Greece and Italy to ... the marvels of classic design".   study
Choose the word which is closest in meaning to the word between square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the original sentence. "Norman Rockwell's paintings and illustrations display a [meticulous] attention to detail".   careful
Choose the words that best complete the following dialogue. "Will you join ... for dinner?". "I am not sure ... would be happy about it".   them; they
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. "... advice, I'll be happy to help you".   Should you need
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. "... if I ... the radio on?".   Would you mind; turned
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. "According to the survey carried out last week, ... so many people been unemployed in our country".   never before have
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. "I'm so happy today! I've just met him and now I'm ......   on cloud nine
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. "In some countries, women still cover their heads 11   as they did in the past
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. "In the South they raise varied crops, including fruits, ..., soybeans and peanuts".   vegetables
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. "The ... of this poisonous algae has caused the ... of many kinds of fish".   proliferation; death
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. "The organisation ... together countries ... the principles of the market economy".   brings; sharing
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. "We'll be late: ...".   it is two hours since we've been stuck here
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. A: "Shall we have a barbecue tomorrow?" B: "It might rain.... do something inside instead".   I'd rather
Complete the following dialogue with the best combination of words. A: "Oh no! I've forgotten to ... David to the party". B: "That's OK. I'll tell him about it when I ... him at work".   invite/see
Complete the following dialogue. "I've got a terrible headache". "... you an aspirin".   I'll get
Complete the following dialogue. A: "Do we need ... cheese from the market?" B: "Yes, can you get a piece of Parmesan please?".   any
Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate word. "Although there are ... outbursts of gunfire, we can report that the major rebellion has been suppressed'.   isolated
Complete the following sentence with the right word. "I haven't seen Rita ... I was 12".   since
Complete the following sentence with the right word. "John studies Italian at London University, but at the moment he ... Rome".   is visiting
Complete the following sentence. "Are you ... for the bus?".   waiting
Complete the following sentence. "Bill is very forgetful: you'll have to ... or he'll never do all the things you want him to do".   keep on him
Complete the following sentence. "By the time he gets to the office, the meeting ... over".   will be
Complete the following sentence. "He ... for his eye glasses right now".   is looking
Complete the following sentence. "He ... see it".   couldn't
Complete the following sentence. "He sees his reflection ... the mirror".   in
Complete the following sentence. "I haven't been to London ... five years".   for
Complete the following sentence. "I think I ... written twenty letters".   have
Complete the following sentence. "I used to ... how to cook".   know
Complete the following sentence. "If ... wrong this time, nobody will ask for your opinion again".   you are
Complete the following sentence. "If I ... about her earlier I would have told you".   had known
Complete the following sentence. "It's amazing how much John ... his father: they look and act exactly the same".   takes after
Complete the following sentence. "Jane and Bob have grown up. Now ... are 16".   they
Complete the following sentence. "Peter and Tom are tired because ... work too much".   they
Complete the following sentence. "Shall I get anything for you at the supermarket?". "Yes please, ... tomatoes".   get some
Complete the following sentence. "Sound comes in waves, and the higher the frequency, ...".   the higher the pitch
Complete the following sentence. "That's the flat ... last month".   where Christopher stayed
Complete the following sentence. "The ships have ... reached the Suez Canal".   already
Complete the following sentence. "These are nice shoes, but they're too stiff. I hope it doesn't take too long to   break them in
Complete the following sentence. "They washed their swimsuits ... hand".   by
Complete the following sentence. "We expect the amount you owe to be settled ...".   in due time
Complete the following sentence. "We should go home: ... is getting dark".   it
Complete the following sentence. "We're going ... Spain for a holiday".   to
Complete the following sentence. "Yesterday we ... dinner at 8 pm".   had
Complete the following sentence. "You'll lose marks if you don't ... in all the gaps".   fill
Complete the following sentence: "Jim's mother liked her gift because Jim ... himself".   picked it out
Complete the following sentence: "The war reporter ... injured in an explosion".   has just been