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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

I ... buy a new car.   am going to
I ... him since 1990   have known
I ... sing, but I can play the guitar.   can't
I ... to the USA in my life.   have never been
I ....... come to the conclusion that nowadays nobody cares about anything.   have
I ____ an apple yesterday night   ate
I ____ an uniform to go to school   wear
I ____ living here ____ 15 years.   have been / for
I ____ your plan. I think we should do it my way.   Don't agree with
I ______ chatting too much so I didn't notice the time   was
I ______ working in this office ______ two years.   have been / for
I _____________ not to mention it.   Was told
I am accustomed ... hot water   to
I am accustomed ____ hot water.   to
I am going ____ my ____.   to / parents'
I am no _____ working for that company   longer
I asked the hotel receptionist for some ____ about the city.   Information
I can't find my keys. I've looked ____ for them.   Everywhere
I didn't expect the project to be a ...................... , but I never imagined this level of complexity.   piece of cake
I didn't need help. I did it ........ my own.   On
I don't drink _____ you do   as much as
I don't like borrowing money, I hate being in ____.   debt
I don't live with ... parents anymore   my
I don't live with _____ parents anymore.   my
I don't remember ... the front door when I left home this morning.   locking
I don't think that's going to be ....... .   hard
I go to the gym _____ Mondays   on
I got up late and I ... the train   missed
I got up late and I ______ the train.   missed
I have ____ ____ tell you.   something / to
I have ____ received the catalogue I ____.   finally / ordered
I have been gaining weight lately and I am unhappy about it. It's high time I __________ on a diet!   went
I have been looking for those documents, but I haven't found them ____   yet
I have lived in Frankfurt ... I left Italy three years ago.   since
I have lived in Frankfurt ______ I left Italy three years ago.   since
I have never ... her before.   seen
I haven't eaten paella___I was in Barcelona four years ago   Since
I haven't got _____ time   much
I honestly think that the time ....... come when we should celebrate our success.   has
I honestly think that the time _________ come when we should celebrate our success.   has
I know where my bag is, but I don't know where _____ .   Yours is
I love classical music and ........ does she.   So
I love playing tennis, but I also play basketball quite ... .   well
I managed to put the fire out ... a fire extinguisher   with
I managed to put the fire out ______ a fire extinguisher.   with
I managed to put the fire out ______ a fire extinguisher.   with
I must admit that whenever I've eaten at that restaurant, I've always come away feeling ....... satisfied.   completely
I need ... some emails.   to send
I need to ... my clothes before going out. They're all wet!   dry
I never have ... in the morning   breakfast
I never have _____ in the morning   breakfast
I only ... in London for three months   lived
I only _______ in London for three months   lived
I promised my mum I would ... the grass in the garden before going out.   cut
I really regretted my mistake. It was one that I ___ .   Ought not to have made
I regret .... my job.   Leaving
I regret .....my job.   Leaving
I saw her ___ the movie theater.   At
I saw him ... the road and ... the shop   cross - enter
I saw him _____ the road and _____ the shop   cross - enter
I thought there was a ... of jealousy in his reaction to my good fortune.   touch
I told the children......... go to bed too late.   Not to
I tried to come, but I couldn't make it.   Ho provato a venire, ma non ce l'lo fatta
I urge a reply so they promise they ... back to me soon.   will write
I walked ___ the park yesterday.   Through
I was coming out of the room I collided ... somebody who was coming in   with
I was coming out of the room I collided ______ somebody who was coming in   with
I was offered a job for ten weeks and ____________ up staying ten years.   Ended
I went to the meeting _________ foot.   On
I wonder if you ........ Tom for a moment, please.   Could help
I wonder if you .........Tom for a moment, please.   Could help
I won't wait ... him a minute more   for
I would like to see Lucy again. It is a long time ... ... ...   since I saw her
I would never follow a vegan diet, ... it may be.   however tasty
I__________________ changed job, if my wage__________________ low.   Wouldn't have / hadn't been
I___my cousin three weeks ago   saw
Identify the correct present continuous form of the verb "to want.".   Am/is/are wanting
Identify the correct simple present tense of the verb "to arrest.".   Arrest/arrests
If .......... you had told me the truth!   Only
If I ........ French, I'd look for a job in Paris.   Spoke
If I ______ a phone , I could phone for help   had
If it rains tomorrow, we to play tennis.   Won't be able
If they ___ harder, they would pass the exam.   Studied
If you ----------------------- hotel accommodation please don't hesitate to let us know.   Require
If you don't hurry, we'll never ____ the bus.   catch
If you have a sedentary job, experts advise that you __________ stand, move and take breaks for at least two out of every eight hours.   should
If you make a mistake when you are writing, just ... it out with your pen.   cross
If you're not careful you'll find that because of your generous nature, she'll start taking ....... of you.   advantage
Il termine "learn" significa:   imparare
I'll finish now and I look forward to ....... you again soon.   seeing
I'll finish now and I look forward to _______ you again soon.   seeing
I'll wait for you ___ the cafe.   At
I'm afraid we can't comment ____________ the court's decision at this time.   On
I'm allergic ___ nuts.   To
I'm going to have to ... different plans for tomorrow.   make
I'm really ... about my exams results. The last one was so hard.   Worried
I'm really ____ on holiday this year.   looking forward to going
I'm really worried ___________ you. You don't seem to care __________ anything anymore.   About / about
I'm really worried ___________ you. You don't seem to care about anything anymore.   About
I'm starting a ....... of swimming lessons.   course
I'm starting a ________ of swimming lessons.   course
I'm working on two jobs to ___________ some ___________ money.   Earn / extra
Imparare a guidare è tanto difficile quanto imparare ad andare in bicicletta.   Learning to drive is as hard as learning to ride a bike
In 1907 Alice ... to New York where she started her own film company.   moved
In 1989 the Berlin wall ____ down.   came
In the present continuous tense, what is the correct form of "to water"?   Am/is/are watering
In which case the use of "to be due" isn't correct?   What job are your parents due?
Indicare la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, del seguente dialogo. A: "Excuse me, sir, where is the Cinema?" B: "It is on the right side of the street, after the bridge"   A: "Mi scusi, signore, dov'è il cinema?" B: "È sul lato destro della strada, dopo il ponte"
Indicare la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, del seguente dialogo. A: "Excuse me, sir, where is the subway station?" B: "Turn to the left at the crossroads and you will find it"   A: "Mi scusi, signore, dov'è la stazione della metropolitana?" B: "Giri a sinistra all'incrocio e la troverà"
Indicare la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, del seguente dialogo.
A: Excuse me sir, where is the ticket office?
B: It's over there, next to the newsagent's.
   A: Mi scusi signore, dov'è la biglietteria? - B: È laggiù, di fianco all'edicola
Indicare la corretta traduzione, tra le alternative proposte, del seguente dialogo.
A: Hurry up or we'll miss the train!
B: Don't worry, we aren't late!
   A: Sbrigati o perderemo il treno! - B: Non preoccuparti, non siamo in ritardo!
Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase tratta dal sito della Commissione europea. "The European Commission is divided into departments that develop policies for specific areas. Each department is headed by Commissioners."   La Commissione europea è divisa in dipartimenti che sviluppano politiche relative a specifiche aree. Ogni dipartimento è guidato dai commissari
Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase tratta dal sito della FAO. "The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger and improve nutrition and food security."   L'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'alimentazione e l'agricoltura è un'agenzia specializzata delle Nazioni Unite che guida gli sforzi internazionali per sconfiggere la fame e migliorare la nutrizione e la sicurezza alimentare
Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase tratta dal sito della Regione Lombardia. "Lombardy is the seat of the Italian Stock Exchange, one of the most important European financial centres, and accommodates the largest trade fair site in southern Europe."   La Lombardia è sede della Borsa Italiana, uno dei centri finanziari più importanti in Europa e ospita il sito fieristico più grande dell'Europa meridionale
Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase tratta dal sito dell'UNHCR. "UNHCR is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees."   L'UNHCR è un'organizzazione internazionale impegnata nel soccorso, nella difesa dei diritti e nella costruzione di un futuro migliore per i rifugiati
Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase. "A bicycle-sharing system, is a transport service in which bicycles are made available for shared use to individuals on a short term basis for a price or free."   Un sistema di bike-sharing è un servizio di trasporto in cui le biciclette sono messe a disposizione delle singole persone per l'uso condiviso, per un tempo limitato, a pagamento o gratuitamente
Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase. "A carpool is an arrangement where a group of people take turns driving each other to work, or driving each other's children to school."   Il carpooling è una soluzione in cui, in un gruppo di persone, a turno, ognuno accompagna gli altri a lavoro, o i figli degli altri a scuola
Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase. "Teleworking is the activity of working at home, while communicating with the office by phone or email, or using the internet."   Il telelavoro è l'attività lavorativa che si svolge a casa, comunicando con l'ufficio attraverso il telefono o l'e-mail, o utilizzando internet
Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase. "The infrastructure of a country consists of the basic facilities such as transport, communications, power supplies, and buildings, which enable it to function."   Le infrastrutture di una nazione consistono nei servizi essenziali come i trasporti, le comunicazioni, le forniture di elettricità e gli edifici che ne permettono il funzionamento
Indicare quale alternativa fornisce la corretta traduzione della seguente frase. "The sharing economy is an economic system based on people sharing possessions and services, either for free or for payment, usually using the internet to organize this."   L'economia della condivisione è un sistema economico che si basa su persone che condividono beni o servizi, gratuitamente o a pagamento, di solito utilizzando internet per l'organizzazione
Indicate the expression that has a different meaning.   I failed to drive my brother's car
Individuare la corretta traduzione della frase: "We set up the tent where the ground looked flat".   Abbiamo sistemato la tenda dove il terreno sembrava piano
Individuare la corretta traduzione della frase: "What work needs to be done to improve public relations?"   Che cosa bisogna fare per migliorare le relazioni pubbliche?
Insert the right preposition. "Fiona is very different her sister".   from
Is there _____ I can do to help?   anything
Is there _____ milk left?   any
Is there a car park _____ here?   near
Is there a car park near here? Yes, _____ opposite that shop   there is one
Is there a swimming pool near here? Yes, _____   there is
Is this Tom's car? _____   No, it isn't
Is this your pencil? No, it's ______ , not mine   hers
It ... when we ... out.   Was raining/went
It can be a good idea for people who lead an active life to increase their ... of vitamins.   intake
It can be dangerous when the children play ... the street   in
It can be dangerous when the children play _____ the street.   in
It didn't take long for the children to ... off the cakes and pastries that had not been eaten at the party.   finish
It didn't take long for the children to _______ off the cakes and pastries that had not been eaten at the party.   finish
It doesn't really ....... now. I just wanted to say how beautiful the bells sounded.   matter
It has been 5 years .......... Philippe left for Africa.   Since
It has been 5 years ...........Philippe left for Africa.   Since
It is important _____   to study
It is very late, I am afraid we _____ now   must go
It was a great party last night. You ... ... come. Why didn't you?   should have
It was a great party last night. You ________ come. Why didn't you?   should have
It won't hurt .......   will it?
Italian people differ _______ other nationalities I know.   From
It's ... cold to go out today.   Too
It's 1 pm. I'd rather have lunch now ... a new presentation. I'm exhausted.   than giving
It's late. It's time ... ... ... home   we go
I've seen the restaurant but I haven't ... there.   eaten
I----------------------you that the goods you ordered are now ready for dispatch.   Am writing to inform