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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Can I give you advice?   Some
Can I speak _____ Anne please?   to
Can you drive me _____ the station?   to
Can you drive? No _____   I can't
Can you hear what he is .......?   saying
Can you lend your camera ____ Tom?   to
Can you pass me those ..., please?   brushes
Can you show me on the map where I am?   Può mostrarmi sulla pianta dove mi trovo?
Can you tell me what she has ______ with that project?   done
Charles _________ work on weekends   doesn't
Children ... to go to bed late at night.   are not supposed
China's National Space Administration has released _________ recorded by the country's Mars probe.   footage
Choose the alternative which means the same as the word in square brackets. Mary is [nearly] sure she turned the stove off.   almost
Choose the best answer to this question: "How was your trip?".   We had a good flight, thank you
Choose the best phrase to complete this sentence: The office ____ open on Saturdays.   is not
Choose the best question for this answer: I'm fine thanks.   How are you?
Choose the best word to complete this question: _____ do you like your job?   Why
Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentence: "Do you know ... who can speak Chinese?".   anyone
Choose the correct form.   The window of his room is open
Choose the correct form. "This time, tomorrow, we ________to Paris".   will be travelling
Choose the correct form. _____ information _____ our company is now possible on line   Obtaining / about
Choose the correct form. Can I give you _____ advice?   some
Choose the correct form. I thought it was a waste of time _____ that film   seeing
Choose the correct form. I'm really worried _____ you. You don't seem to care _____ anything anymore   about / about
Choose the correct form. I'm working on two jobs to _____ some _____ money   earn / extra
Choose the correct form. Italian people differ _____ other nationalities I know   from
Choose the correct form. Mr. Smith doesn't work _____ Fridays or _____ weekends   on / at
Choose the correct form. The old cinema has taken _____ a new lease of life since its renovation   on
Choose the correct form. There was a man _____ was looking for you   who
Choose the correct form. We have _____ time but not _____   some / much
Choose the correct form. We were speaking on the phone and then all of a sudden I got cut _____   off
Choose the correct form. When I see James, _____ him _____ you said   I'll tell / what
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence When I was a child, I _______ the whole summer in the mountains.   Used to spend
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: ________ that movie? It's a really good one!   Have you ever watched
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Alexandra is so beautiful, she's _____ .   Breathtaking
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Don't ask me to help you with your literature essay, it's not my cup of ___ .   Tea
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: I ____ your plan. I think we should do it my way.   Don't agree with
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: I am ____ to leave, I can't help you now.   About
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: I couldn't lie, she caught me ___ handed.   Red
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: If you just told me , I wouldn't worry that much!   Where you are
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Jane, you ought ____ for help.   To ask
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Please Renée look _____ the children, I have to go to the post office.   After
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Ronny and I are really on the same ____ , we get along pretty well!   Page
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: When I was a child, I the whole summer in the mountain.   Used to spend
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: When I was a kid, I loved going to the beach: I _____ all day playing in the ocean with my sister.   Would spend
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: While I my homework I heard a strange noise from the garden.   Was doing
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: You can go out and play as soon as ______ your homework.   You finish
Choose the correct option to fill the gap in. My mum and my dad are always arguing, they can't stand each other anymore. I wish they ____ .   Divorced
Choose the correct option. "Look at those clouds. I think it ......... rain".   might
Choose the correct option. Don't waste your time! Break _____ with Jane and look for a girl who makes you happy!   Up
Choose the correct option: _____ is my father.   He
Choose the correct option: Sandra ______ when the telephone suddenly rang.   Was reading a book
Choose the correct preposition. "I love thinking _____ the future".   About
Choose the correct preposition. "Why don't you tell me _____ your day?".   About
Choose the correct preposition. "Why don't you tell me _____ your problems with your sister?".   About
Choose the correct preposition. "You should go out _____ your friends".   With
Choose the correct preposition. Marc and Julie are going out for dinner, so Veronica will look ____ the children.   After
Choose the correct question for this answer: "He is fifteen".   How old is your son?
Choose the correct sentence.   Mary and Sue always help each other
Choose the correct sentence.   Do you often go out in the evening?
Choose the correct sentence.   Allison's shyness makes her blush all the time
Choose the correct sentence.   Tim watches television all the time
Choose the correct sentence.   What is the date?
Choose the correct sentence.   Voters express their preferences between two competing candidates
Choose the correct sentence:   What a lovely girl!
Choose the correct superlative of "fast":   Fastest
Choose the correct superlative of "strong":   Strongest
Choose the correct superlative of "tall":   Tallest
Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "... you have a lovely holiday last year in Greece?".   Did
Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "He ... that picture in 1970".   Took
Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "He ....an entire book yesterday".   Read
Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "I don't have much money but I'm not...".   Worried
Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "My brother told us about his ... to join that team".   Decision
Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "Please sit down, ... stand up".   Don't
Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "Sorry I can't come, I have to meet an old friend of...".   Mine
Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "This is a photo of my ....car. He bought it last year".   Brother's
Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "This is Tom, he is ...for the design".   Responsible
Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "We... a new Tv last month.".   Bought
Choose the correct word among the following to complete the sentence. "What he has to do is to make all the plans and...".   Decisions
Choose the option that is correct and has the same meaning as: "Look at those black clouds! There's rain on the way!"   Look at those black clouds! It is going to rain
Choose the right alternative. "Jane met a friend of ......... in the street".   hers
Choose the right option. "I ......... my new job".   like
Choose the right option. "Peter's ......... a dog which likes cats".   got
Choose the right relative pronoun. "An old man, ......... was carrying a suitcase, knocked at the door".   who
Choose the right translation: They are around 35 years old.   Hanno circa 35 anni
Choose the right translation: Vorrei comprare un computer nuovo.   I'd like to buy a new computer
Choose the sentence that is correct and has the same meaning as: "I phoned Norman last of all".   Norman was the last person I phoned
Choose the sentence that is correct and has the same meaning as: "Is this car yours?"   Do you own this car?
Choose the sentence that is correct and has the same meaning as: "The police is escorting the prime minister".   The prime minister is being escorted by the police
Choose the sentence that is correct and has the same meaning as: "The volume of the music wasn't high enough for us to dance to it".   The volume of the music was too low for us to dance to it
Class 2B _____________ to the museum this morning   is being taken
Come back in the morning, .......?   will you
Completa la frase scegliendo l'opzione corretta: "Remember, ... your teeth after breakfast".   Brush
Completare la seguente affermazione con l'organo a cui la Costituzione attribuisce il seguente compito. "___________ dichiara lo stato di guerra deliberato dalle Camere".   Il Presidente della Repubblica
Completare la seguente conversazione, scegliendo la risposta giusta. A: Is there any coffee left? B: Just ... .   a little
Completare la seguente frase, scegliendo la risposta giusta."I'm getting worried. She hasn't come back ...".   yet
Complete each sentence with the correct option. I bought a new car last month but today I noticed that Jonathan has come to work with a new motorbike and I'm a little jealous. ......   The grass is always greener on the other side
Complete each sentence with the correct option. I have to be back home by midnight and the bus drivers are on strike. ...... ?   Can you give me a lift
Complete the dialogue: Simon: Would you prefer coffee or milk? Rita:   Have you got anything else?
Complete the following conversation with the most suitable answer.A: What time is it?B: ...   It's twenty to two
Complete the following conversation with the most suitable question: A: "..." B: "Well, it was great... I loved it!"   How did you like it when you lived in Madrid?
Complete the following conversation with the most suitable question:A: "..."B: "Well, it was great... I loved it!"   How did you like it when you lived in Madrid?
Complete the following conversation. A: Do you have much experience in this field?B: Yes, I ...   have worked on this type of problem for four years so far
Complete the following conversation: A: "Are you going to meet the deadline with the project?" B: "I am for sure, ..."   unless something more urgent comes up
Complete the following conversation:"What does he look ...?"."He's tall and thin and has got blue eyes".   like
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. "Experience is the name everyone gives to ____ mistakes.".   Their
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. He ____ since he was one year old.   's been talking
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. I ____ a cup of coffee when the telephone suddenly ____.   Was having - rang
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. I ____ my parents next month, I ____ the train ticket.   'm going to visit - 've already bought
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. They blamed ____ _____ being late to the ceremony.   Themselves for
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. Unless you ____ harder, you ____ into that college.   Study - 'll never get
Complete the following sentence with the correct option: I don't want _____, please stay!   You to leave
Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition. Guess what? I'm coming and visit you next Sunday! I'm really looking forward__ spending some time together!   To
Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition. I felt let ___ when I didn't receive a birthday card from my parents, so I called them to ask the reason why they didn't contact me.   Down
Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition. Janet is standing ____ the car.   Beside
Complete the following sentence with the most suitable option. "We sent a present to the children ......... living next door".   --
Complete the following sentence: "Please fasten ____________ seat belts as we prepare for take off".   your
Complete the following sentences: "The ancient Egyptians didn't use an alphabet to write ................ language"?   Their
Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "It can be for young people to travel around the world alone".   Dangerous
Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "John is going to be famous _______".   One day
Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "Katherine's parents often invite me to stay for ________ with them".   Dinner
Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "Laura doesn't have as _________ money as John".   Much
Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "Most people _____________ straight to work every morning and into their garage at night. ".   Get
Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "My first holiday in France was very . I had never been abroad".   Exciting
Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "Subjects we are taught at university will become obsolete much more than in the past".   Quickly
Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "The 5-star hotel in the Bahamas was very expensive and ".   Impressive
Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "The two parties arrived at an agreement after a two-hour _____________".   Discussion
Complete the sentence by using one of the options given: "There was a lot of in preparation for the American President's visit".   Activity
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. I'll give you more details about the reservation when the receptionist of the hotel (......) me back.   Phones
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. Our planet (......) so polluted if we took care of it in a more suitable way.   Wouldn't be
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. She told me she (. ) that dress for the party if she could have borrowed mine.   Wouldn't have bought
Complete the sentence with one of the following options: Italian food is appreciated all over the world. It's....... cuisine.   One of the best
Complete the sentence with the correct option. "Lara doesn't like chocolate, ......... ?"   does she
Complete the sentence with the correct option: 'I am happy ____ join the conference.'   to
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). As it was very late we changed our minds and made (....) home instead of going to the party.   For
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Come on guys, we've lost loads of time chatting. Now we have to make (....) lost time.   Up for
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). He didn't agree with me at first, but soon he came (....) and followed my advice.   Round
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Hurry up, all tests must be handed (....) by 12 o'clock.   In
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). I was (....) leave home when the phone rang.   About to
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). No one helps her: she has to live (....) her salary, which is not easy.   On
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). The police pulled me (....) to check my papers and then they let me go.   Over
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Tonight there's a good thriller (. ..) TV.   On
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Tonight there's a good thriller (....) TV.   On
Complete the sentence with the correct tense. "I wouldn't drink that beer if I ............. you".   Were
Complete the sentence with the correct tense. If the French lessons had been more interesting, Mary ____________________ a different school.   Wouldn't have attended
Complete the sentence with the most correct and proper option. "The teacher was very ... towards us when we returned late".   Icy
Complete the sentence with the most correct and proper option. "Tom is not very good at ... responsibility".   Taking
Complete the sentence with the right option. "Many dogs every year".   are lost
Complete the sentence. "She was ______ a job".   looking for
Complete the sentence. "She's really ______ meeting your brother".   looking forward to
Complete the sentence. Barbara and Mary can't go to the beach because_____________   It's raining
Complete with the correct option: You should read the book ____ main character has your first name.   Whose
Complete with the correct option: You should read the book that you find on the library's free cart whose ____ makes you laugh.   Cover
Complete with the most suitable option. During a ... you should stay hydrated and avoid being outside between 12 and 4pm.   Heat wave
Complete with the most suitable option. The best way to ... Venice is by boat or on foot!   Get around
Considering the urgency of this issue, let's schedule a meeting for this afternoon, ..............................?   shall we
Could you give me a ____ to the airport?   lift
Could you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?   Mi potrebbe dire dov'è la banca più vicina, per favore?
Current NHS guidelines say there is no "safe" level of drinking and that men and women ________ not drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week on a regular basis - around six pints of beer.   should