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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

That is the train ... I am going to be on when I go to Paris.   which
That politician is so annoying! I wish he__________ stop taking part in talk shows in prime time on national public TV and giving interviews in the main newspapers.   would
That stupid dog ....... all day long.   is always barking
That's a good question but I need ... to think about it.   time
That's a good question but I need ________ to think about it.   time
That's better I've got a clearer ........   view now
The ... "flying saucers" were seen in 1947 by an American pilot.   first
The ____ you are wearing ____ dirty.   clothes / are
The accident at 9 p.m. and the ambulance arrived within 10 minutes.   Was reported
The article I was reading was about a man who ... his wife two years before.   had murdered
The baby ___ happily in her crib.   Is sleeping
The bank _____ _____ 9 a.m. every day.   opens / at
The best thing to do is to book in advance.   La cosa migliore da fare è prenotare in anticipo
The book is ___ the shelf.   On
The boss was good enough to ....... my mistake.   overlook
The brothers will ... school both together at the end of this year   finish
The car ___ down the highway.   Sped
The car moved ________ along the winding road.   Smoothly
The cat is sitting ___ the table.   On
The cat jumped ___ the fence.   Over
The chef _______ a delicious cake for the party.   Baked
The chef _______ a delicious meal for us yesterday.   Cooked
The coffee ____ ____ good.   is / very
The company found this proposal particularly -----------------.   Interesting
The concert starts ___ 9 PM.   At
The cookies taste ___ .   good
The decorated roof of the ancient palace was ... up by four thin columns.   held
The dog followed ___ to the park.   Us
The engine is still working; so far so good.   Il motore funziona ancora; fino ad ora è andata bene
The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody ... ... ...   was able to escape
The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody __________ .   was able to escape
The firm has expanded and they want to ....... on extra staff.   take
The following sentence contains an unneeded word, remove it. "Ronny is such of a good guy, he always helps me.".   Of
The following sentence contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "I have used to meet with her every day".   I used to meet her every day
The following sentence contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "I wander why she always forget about my birthday".   I wonder why she always forgets about my birthday
The following sentence contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "The cocktail we drink at that pub was not such good".   The cocktail we drank at that pub was not very good
The girl is afraid ... the dog   of
The girl is afraid ____ the dog   of
The horse _______ gracefully in the field.   Galloped
The hotel ______ ______ January.   will close / in
The Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030), _______ by the World Health Assembly, is a framework to save millions of lives through more equitable access to existing vaccines for people in all communities.   endorsed
The kids ___ a sandcastle on the beach yesterday.   Built
The kids _______ a sandcastle on the beach.   Built
The magician _______ a rabbit out of a hat yesterday.   Pulled
The market demand is now _____________ due to a major slowdown.   Stagnating
The meeting was .... to another day.   Put off
The moment the lights went out, there were scenes of ______ .   panic
The movie starts ... 7pm.   at
The movie starts ___ 8 PM.   At
The murder was arrested ... the police.   by
The murder was arrested ______ the police.   by
The newspaper report contained ... important information.   a lot of
The office ____ every day ____ 17:00.   closes / at
The old cinema has taken____________ a new lease of life since its renovation.   On
The opposite of dirty is:   clean
The opposite of empty is:   full
The opposite of safe is:   dangerous
The places ... we spent our holidays were really beautiful   where
The places _____ we spent our holidays were really beautiful.   where
The poor grasshopper ....... he had spent the whole summer enjoying himself singing and dancing.   confessed
The problem is becoming serious. We have to discuss ... it   on
The river _______ through the valley.   Flows
The river Rhine flows ... the North Sea   into
The river Rhine flows _____ the North Sea   into
The shop I was telling you about is just ... the corner.   around
The teacher encouraged her students ... to an English pen friend.   to write
The teacher encouraged her students ______ to an English pen friend.   to write
The train arrived ___ time.   On
There are ... five million people in Scotland, and Edinburgh is ... most famous city.   about/its
There are _____ extra pens _____ the table.   some / on
There are _______ five million people in Scotland, and Edinburgh is _______ most famous city.   about/its
There are four________ in this photo   men
There is somebody walking behind us, I think ... ... ...   we are being followed
There is somebody walking behind us, I think _______________ .   we are being followed
There was a great discussion about which particular type of cuisine the guests would choose and finally they reached a ....... and settled on the set menu.   compromise
These muffins are delicious! May I have ..., please?   one more
These muffins are delicious! May I have __________ , please?   one more
These potatoes are very....   Good
They ___ a delicious cake last week.   Baked
They ___ a movie.   Have watched
They _______ a movie at the cinema last night.   Saw
They _______ to the concert last night.   Went
They ________ him for his brave actions.   praised
They are going ___ a trip next week.   On
They are going ___ a vacation next week.   On
They are sitting ___ the fire.   By
They are standing ___ line to be served.   In
They often ____ to the cinema.   go
They shouldn't be held responsible. The blame for this shameful situation lies ... .   elsewhere
They spent a lot of time ... at the pictures in the museum.   looking
They spent a lot of time _________ at the pictures in the museum.   looking
They____ a TV last year   bought
They're selling their house .......   aren't they?
This book is very ____.   Boring
This company _____ formed _____ 1991.   was / in
This form ... be handed in until the end of the week.   needn't
This is ... room in the hotel.   the worst
This is a very ____ armchair.   Comfortable
This is the information I asked ... .   for
This morning I .... into Tom Brown!   Ran
This product must be eaten ... two days of purchase.   within
This product must be eaten _________ two days of purchase.   within
This will be read by the very pretty ....... Penny Lane.   newscaster
To start ....... we have comedy.   with
To start ______ we have comedy.   with
Tom is a ____ swimmer than Paul.   Better
Tomorrow I have an appointment ________________.   To have my hair cut
Tradurre la seguente frase: "Can you play Padel?"   Sai giocare a Padel?