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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Lingua inglese

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Have you considered ... a job abroad?   getting
Have you considered ... to London?   moving
Have you finished your homework ...?   yet
Have you finished your homework ________ ?   yet
Have you got ... tissues?   any
Have you got ___ idea of how much the tickets are going to cost?   any
Have you... a sports car?   ever driven
He ... be silent!   must
He ... me he ... in love with Susan   told - had fallen
He ... me several questions   asked
He ... speak English very well   can
He ... very pleased if it ... really true.   Will be/is
He ___ his homework.   Has finished
He ____ his car ____ year.   bought / last
He ____ me several questions.   asked
He ____ to know your telephone ____.   wanted / number
He _____ a very _____ person.   is / important
He _____ me he ______ in love with Susan.   told - had fallen
He ______ be silent!   must
He ______ speak English very well   can
He has ____ books ____ read.   a lot of / to
He has ____ lived ____.   always / in Paris
He hasn't been home .......... he left.   Since
He searched ........ for Tom's keys but couldn't find them.   Everywhere
He turned up just as the meeting was ending.   Lui è arrivato proprio quando la riunione stava per concludersi
He was a successful business manager ... he had very little experience as a CEO.   even though
He was the first to use many new inventions, ... sound and colour.   including
He was the first to use many new inventions, _______ sound and colour.   including
He went away instead ... waiting   of
He's not reserved at all. In fact, he's ... .   outgoing
He's still getting ... the shock of losing his job.   over
How did you get there? Did you go ... train?   by
How lazy our boy is! He only goes and visits his grandparents ... .   once in a while
How long have you been working -------------- Bianchi Ltd?   At
How much money do you spend ... food each week?   on
How much money do you spend _____ food each week?   on