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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Eat your vegetables Nathan ... I won't give you any ice cream.   otherwise
Eating too much red meat is ... for you.   bad
Eating vegetables is ... eating meat.   healthier than
Ed is ... Michael.   less tall than
Elections take place ... five years.   every
Eliza ... from Greece. ... from Poland.   isn't; She's
Eliza ... from Greece. ... from Poland.   isn't; She's
England was ... country with immigration problems in the 1960s.   a
English is ... international language.   an
English people have ... for breakfast   tea
Even people experienced at watching the sky, ... as pilots, report seeing UFOs.   such
Even though the business isn't successful, they haven't fired anyone ... .   so far
Eventually he made a ... from it, in spite of the fact that his original ... was only three cents a game.   fortune/profit
Everybody ... happy.   is
Everyone loves MacDonald's. I don't understand what's special ... it.   about
Everything is going well. We ... any problems so far   haven't had
Exactly, in fact I almost ........   drowned
Excuse me I ... if you can help me.   wonder
Excuse me that's my pen. Oh sorry, I didn't ... .   realise
Excuse me, can you ... the time please?   tell me
Excuse me, where is the cinema? Go ... and it's on the left.   straight
Excuse me, where is the train station? It's easy, just ... the first turning on the left.   take
Excuse me, where's the bathroom? ... that door.   Through
Excuse, this is my hat. Ah yes, I ...   see
Excuse, what time is it? I don't know what ... .   time it is
Extensive tests were ... on the car.   carried out
Extensive tests were ... on the car.   carried out