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James went to university but dropped... after two years. Completare la frase con una delle parole seguenti.   Out
Jim .... the car. Completare la frase con una delle perifrasi seguenti.   Got out of
Jim got...the train. Completare la frase con una delle parole seguenti.   On
Jim's mother, like most of the adults he knew growing...., was from the South. Completare la frase con una delle parole seguenti.   Up
John Brown was one of the.......criminals in the town. Completare la frase con una delle perifrasi seguenti.   Most dangerous
John grew...in a small town. Completare la frase con una delle parole seguenti.   Up
Joncich would like to represent the United States at the 2028 Los Angeles Games. She is not guaranteed a spot.... the team, but she has a road map to follow. Completare la frase con una delle parole seguenti.   On
Joy Ni Ni Win said she had heard .... the movie on Tik Tok. Completare la frase con una delle parole seguenti.   About