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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Lingua inglese

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Phoebe has ... her leg.   broken
Please answer ____ my question.   to
Please don't ... Jim what happened.   tell
Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: How long ... English?   have you been learning
Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: How long ___________ English?   have you been learning
Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: She has been ... of murdering her husband.   accused
Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: You aren't allowed to use your mobile so ... .   there's no point in leaving it on
Please select the best word to complete the following sentence: You aren't allowed to use your mobile so ______________ .   there's no point in leaving it on
Primrose Town is a small town ... the coast.   On