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Dad always ______ photos on our vacation.   takes
Daniel writes for a ... newspaper.   Spanish
Dave's having a party ______, are you _____ with me?   tonight / going
David always __________ the radio on his way to work.   listens to
Delfin Proserpinov is a Romanian writer; ... from Bucarest.   he's
Diamond rings are very __________.   expensive
Did you ever ________ trouble?   get into
Do you ____ in _____?   believe / miracles
Do you _____ _____ in your spare time?   like / reading
Do you ________ with your colleagues?   get on
Do you buy your books online or at the ________?   book shop
Do you often _____ _____ underground in the morning?   travel / by
Do you say lift or ________?   elevator
Do you see the cup half _____ or _____?   full/empty
Do you see the cup half _____ or _____?   full / empty
Do you think it ____________ sunny tomorrow?   is going to be
Do you think Napoleon was _____ a _____ man?   really / great
Does it ____ ____ a fish?   smell / like
Does this blue top _____ my red trousers?   match
Don't forget ______ your homework before you go out.   to do
Don't forget to ... the lights before you leave the office.   turn off
Don't sit ______ the grass. It's wet.   on
Don't worry about your exam. I ________ you study.   will help
Door-to-door ... will involve a 10% surcharge on the price of the purchased goods.   delivery
During the fourteen days cruise, seven days will be spent ______ sea, and seven in port.   at