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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Choose the correct translation: "Do you have a pair of glasses?"   "Hai un paio di occhiali?"
Choose the correct translation: "Her sweater is pink"   "La sua felpa è rosa"
Choose the correct translation: "I always eat in the kitchen"   "Mangio sempre in cucina"
Choose the correct translation: "I saw a lot of shells at the beach"   "Ho visto molte conchiglie in spiaggia"
Choose the correct translation: "I saw a squirrel at the park"   "Ho visto uno scoiattolo al parco"
Choose the correct translation: "Italy isn't as cold as Norway"   "L'Italia non è così fredda come la Norvegia"
Choose the correct translation: "I've eaten some boiled potatoes"   "Ho mangiato alcune patate bollite"
Choose the correct translation: "John, call the waitress"   "John, chiama la cameriera"
Choose the correct translation: "The biggest animal is the whale"   "L'animale più grande è la balena"
Choose the correct translation: "The weather today is cloudy"   "Il tempo oggi è nuvoloso"
Choose the correct translation: "Where is my coat?"   "Dov'è il mio cappotto?"
Choose the correct translation: "You have to wear socks"   "Devi indossare i calzini"
Choose the right translation: "Where is my belt?"   Dov'è la mia cintura?
Complete the following sentence. " <<I have a problem >> ... Julie."   said
Complete the following sentence. " Wendy is my favorite ... from the story of 'Peter Pan' "   character
Complete the following sentence. "... a coffee in a modern coffee shop is very confusing."   buying
Complete the following sentence. "... athletes eat 3000 calories a day."   top
Complete the following sentence. "... do our this extra homework for tomorrow?"   do we have to
Complete the following sentence. "... I go to the bathroom, miss?"   can
Complete the following sentence. "... that I am not 18 yet, I can only drive under the supervision of an experienced driver."   given
Complete the following sentence. "... you agree with me?"   do
Complete the following sentence. "..... the weather like today?"   What's
Complete the following sentence. "A thief ... things."   steals
Complete the following sentence. "A wolf is an animal ... lives in the forest."   that
Complete the following sentence. "An igloo is made ... snow."   out of
Complete the following sentence. "Are you ... at work? No I'm on my way home now."   still
Complete the following sentence. "Are you looking for your glasses again? Well, ... !"   there they are
Complete the following sentence. "Athletes ... eat 3000 calories a day."   should
Complete the following sentence. "Basil is a ... ."   herb
Complete the following sentence. "Both Jill and Lucy ... old enough to drive."   are
Complete the following sentence. "British is ... international language."   an
Complete the following sentence. "Calzone is a ... pizza."   a sort of
Complete the following sentence. "Can you ... who is coming to dinner tonight? Is it Jack Nicholson?!"   guess
Complete the following sentence. "Can you buy some cigarettes ... home?"   on the way
Complete the following sentence. "Can you keep this secret? Yes, I ... tell anyone, don't worry."   won't
Complete the following sentence. "Can you tell me where ... going?"   are you
Complete the following sentence. "Carl has gone ... on holiday, he is back next week."   away
Complete the following sentence. "Could you please ... ?"   wash up your plate
Complete the following sentence. "Cream" is the music band ... Eric Clapton played guitar."   in which
Complete the following sentence. "Diabetes is a serious ... ."   illness
Complete the following sentence. "Did your letter ... to Christine?"   get
Complete the following sentence. "Do you ... in a house or flat?"   live
Complete the following sentence. "Do you have any sisters? No, I don't have ... ."   any
Complete the following sentence. "Do you have any strawberry jam? I'm ... we don't, sir."   afraid
Complete the following sentence. "Do you like my new ... screen TV?"   flat
Complete the following sentence. "Don't ... a noise or they'll find us."   make
Complete the following sentence. "Eat your vegetables Nathan ... I won't give you any ice cream."   otherwise
Complete the following sentence. "Excuse do you know where the bank is? How do I get ... ?"   there
Complete the following sentence. "Excuse me, where's the bathroom? ... that door."   through
Complete the following sentence. "Excuse me. Can you give me ... for the city centre?"   directions
Complete the following sentence. "Go ... the bridge and turn left."   over
Complete the following sentence. "Have you ... your new jacket today?"   worn
Complete the following sentence. "Have you ever ... the movie "scarface"?"   seen
Complete the following sentence. "Have you ever ... travel for work?"   had to
Complete the following sentence. "He ... distressed when the boss shouted at him."   looked
Complete the following sentence. "He ... out of the car and surprised me!"   jumped
Complete the following sentence. "He is the person I write ... every week."   to
Complete the following sentence. "He speaks ... English."   fluent
Complete the following sentence. "Horror movies are very ... ."   scary
Complete the following sentence. "How ... have you been to Rome? About five."   many times
Complete the following sentence. "How ... have you had those jeans? They look very old."   long
Complete the following sentence. "How did the convention go, Sam? ... , it went quite well."   all in all
Complete the following sentence. "How do you ... your surname?"   spell
Complete the following sentence. "How long ... here?"   have you been
Complete the following sentence. "How much is your ... bill?"   electricity
Complete the following sentence. "I ... I will go on holiday next week."   think
Complete the following sentence. "I ... on well with my work colleagues."   get
Complete the following sentence. "I ... really into action movies. I watch them all the time."   am
Complete the following sentence. "I ... this picture on holiday."   took
Complete the following sentence. "I ... this programme. They are showing the life of Steve Jobs."   am enjoying
Complete the following sentence. "I ... to the cinema last week."   went
Complete the following sentence. "I always write ... my thoughts on personal diary."   down
Complete the following sentence. "I am ... high prices in supermarkets. Not everybody can afford them."   against
Complete the following sentence. "I am a bit ... about the different functions of this Iphone. "   confused
Complete the following sentence. "I am a professional tennis player but I ... many sports ."   practise
Complete the following sentence. "I apologise ... that."   for
Complete the following sentence. "I believed you weren't nice ... , then I changed my mind."   at first
Complete the following sentence. "I bought 8 ... of beer to bring to the party tonight."   cans
Complete the following sentence. "I can't ... to meet Mark next week. I'm so happy. "   wait
Complete the following sentence. "I can't finish the project ... the end of the week."   by
Complete the following sentence. "I can't move my hand because I have broken my ... ."   wrist
Complete the following sentence. "I change my ... very often."   mind
Complete the following sentence. "I chose a dress I think ... for the party tonight."   is perfect
Complete the following sentence. "I decided ... to university in Bologna."   to go
Complete the following sentence. "I don't know why, but ... this new PC is broken."   somehow
Complete the following sentence. "I don't like Picasso the person but his art ... is fantastic."   itself
Complete the following sentence. "I don't like the shirts in this shop. ... fits me."   none
Complete the following sentence. "I don't like to ... gold jewellery. I prefer silver."   wear
Complete the following sentence. "I don't like what the boss proposed because it ... we have to work on Saturdays."   means
Complete the following sentence. "I drive ... all the time."   carefully
Complete the following sentence. "I eat ... ."   healthily
Complete the following sentence. "I felt very ... ."   embarrassed
Complete the following sentence. "I flew on an Airbus 380 last month. It was the first time I ... on such a huge plane."   had flown
Complete the following sentence. "I got a ... to Malaysia."   flight
Complete the following sentence. "I got a bit fat over the Christmas holidays. I'm not in ... now."   shape
Complete the following sentence. "I got some flowers from a ... ."   stall
Complete the following sentence. "I hate doing the washing ... . There are some many dishes."   up
Complete the following sentence. "I hate working and getting up early. People say i'm ... ."   lazy
Complete the following sentence. "I have ... a beautiful experience. "   had
Complete the following sentence. "I have ... women friends."   mostly
Complete the following sentence. "I have a bus ... to travel around the city."   pass
Complete the following sentence. "I have a problem ... people's names."   remebering
Complete the following sentence. "I have an exam ... the 12th of April."   on
Complete the following sentence. "I hope ... you soon."   to see
Complete the following sentence. "I left home ... 21. I was very young."   at
Complete the following sentence. "I like to ... a car when I go on holiday."   hire
Complete the following sentence. "I like to ... beautiful paintings."   admire
Complete the following sentence. "I live ... New Zealand."   in
Complete the following sentence. "I made this table ... recycled wood."   using
Complete the following sentence. "I never ... lies."   tell
Complete the following sentence. "I prefer Coca Cola ... fanta."   to
Complete the following sentence. "I saw Julie ... volleyball yesterday."   playing
Complete the following sentence. "I sing ... because my dad sleeps during the day."   quietly
Complete the following sentence. "I think it ... rain tonight."   will
Complete the following sentence. "I think Jenna ... a lie when she was spoking about her age."   told
Complete the following sentence. "I think that I ... come to the convention."   won't be able to
Complete the following sentence. "I try to avoid ... the car when possible."   taking
Complete the following sentence. "I usually go to bed early ... the week."   during
Complete the following sentence. "I want to ... a baby."   have
Complete the following sentence. "I want to ... for a job I saw online."   apply
Complete the following sentence. "I was a good student ... a kid."   as
Complete the following sentence. "I was stopped ... a strange man who asked me for a chewing gum."   by
Complete the following sentence. "I won't ... an effort to speak with your mother. I hate her."   make
Complete the following sentence. "I work ... fashion."   in
Complete the following sentence. "I would like ... to eat. I'm famished."   something
Complete the following sentence. "I wrote a ... about the accident. The chief inspector wasn't interested though."   report
Complete the following sentence. "I'd like a ... for these glasses. They are broken."   refund
Complete the following sentence. "If I ... meet a famous person, i'd choose Vin Diesel."   could
Complete the following sentence. "If I ... Spanish at school, now I wouldn't have any problems ordering a coffee in a bar."   had learnt
Complete the following sentence. "If I make 2 million pounds, i'll ... from work."   retire
Complete the following sentence. "If I wasn't such an honest person, I would ... the wallet I found on the floor."   have kept
Complete the following sentence. "If we drive down the main road, we will ... time."   save
Complete the following sentence. "If you ... me, I will fall down the stairs."   push
Complete the following sentence. "If you do that again, I ... tell your parents."   am going to
Complete the following sentence. "If you don't remember the lesson, you should ... it."   memorize
Complete the following sentence. "If you keep ... , I will kill you!"   talking
Complete the following sentence. "If you want to solve the problem use your ... ."   imagination
Complete the following sentence. "If you want to wash your hands there's a ... in the bathroom."   basin
Complete the following sentence. "I'm ... because I want to watch an action film but my girlfriend doesn't."   annoyed
Complete the following sentence. "I'm a bit nervous around people because i'm ... ."   shy
Complete the following sentence. "I'm going to ... you out tonight. Dress smart!"   take
Complete the following sentence. "I'm going to you out tonight. Dress smart!"   take
Complete the following sentence. "I'm starting work at your same company. Any ... to impress the boss?"   tips
Complete the following sentence. "I'm waiting for the exam results. i'm a bit ... and nervous."   tense
Complete the following sentence. "Is there a particular director ... movies you love?"   whose
Complete the following sentence. "It was a very difficult ... to make."   decision
Complete the following sentence. "It was very nice ... you to help me with that heavy suitcase."   of
Complete the following sentence. "Italians kiss on the ... when they meet."   cheek
Complete the following sentence. "It's ... than a sauna in here!"   hotter
Complete the following sentence. "It's incredible what smokers do to their ... ."   bodies
Complete the following sentence. "It's not ... . you are taller than me so you can win the basketball game easily."   fair
Complete the following sentence. "It's so easy to use an Iphone. ... can do it."   anyone
Complete the following sentence. "I've ... on holiday to Cortina D'Ampezzo sice I was young."   been going
Complete the following sentence. "I've ... since I was a child."   been having headaches
Complete the following sentence. "I've had many smart phones. ... , the best one was a Samsung."   however
Complete the following sentence. "I've spent ... explaining. You should understand by now."   enough time
Complete the following sentence. "J.K. Rowling's new book is ... good."   quite
Complete the following sentence. "Jim and Julie saw ... in the market and stopped for a chat."   each other
Complete the following sentence. "Just eat is a new ... to order food from home."   way
Complete the following sentence. "London has a ... of 8 million."   population
Complete the following sentence. "Luke ... some eccentric close. He looks funny."   is wearing
Complete the following sentence. "Mark couldn't see because he ... his glasses."   wasn't wearing
Complete the following sentence. "Martha is very friendly and ... ."   sociable
Complete the following sentence. "Mary ran ... when she saw that big dog."   off
Complete the following sentence. "My brother is ... his 20's."   in
Complete the following sentence. "My dad paid ... me to go to expensive schools."   for
Complete the following sentence. "My daughter always ... that I don't listen to her."   complains
Complete the following sentence. "My diet consists ... meat and vegetables."   of
Complete the following sentence. "My friend is coming tomorrow so I will show him ... the city."   around
Complete the following sentence. "My house is very dirty I need a ... "   cleaner
Complete the following sentence. "My mother always shouts ... me."   at
Complete the following sentence. "My phone doesn't ... . Maybe it's broken."   work
Complete the following sentence. "My results from the test were a bit ... ."   disappointing
Complete the following sentence. "My yoga ... is very young."   instructor
Complete the following sentence. "Our flight is leaving soon. We have to ... at gate 17."   board
Complete the following sentence. "Pedestrians walk on the ... ."   pavement
Complete the following sentence. "Picasso ... in July 1985. he left his daughter all his fortune."   died
Complete the following sentence. "Please complete the ... about your physical fitness."   form
Complete the following sentence. "Pollution is a very important environmental ... ."   issue
Complete the following sentence. "Rome is ... more international."   becoming
Complete the following sentence. "Rome is a wonderful city to live ... . "   in
Complete the following sentence. "Run! the criminal is getting ... ."   away
Complete the following sentence. "She couldn't check in because she ... her passport at home."   had left
Complete the following sentence. "She has fallen ... because she is wearing stiletto shoes."   over
Complete the following sentence. "She is my father's wife's daughter. She is my ... ."   stepsister
Complete the following sentence. "She is walking ... the building."   around
Complete the following sentence. "She made the paper ... an aeroplane."   into
Complete the following sentence. "Stand ... when the teacher enters the room, please."   up
Complete the following sentence. "Steve Jobs died ... his 50's. He was still young."   in
Complete the following sentence. "Stop arguing you two. You should ... say sorry and make up."   both
Complete the following sentence. "Stop wasting other ... time."   people's
Complete the following sentence. "Sushi is just ... fish with rice. Anyone can make it!"   raw
Complete the following sentence. "Take these pills ... the pain goes away."   until
Complete the following sentence. "Tell me about her ... ."   appearance
Complete the following sentence. "Tell me all the ... about your week end in Paris."   details
Complete the following sentence. "Tell me where ... that beautiful suit."   you have bought
Complete the following sentence. "Thailand is ... ."   amazing
Complete the following sentence. "The boat trip was disrupted by a storm but we ... the port safely."   reached
Complete the following sentence. "The container is made ... plastic."   of
Complete the following sentence. "The fire ... all our wheat fields. We can make any more bread for the moment."   has destroyed
Complete the following sentence. "The lights went ... when the concert finished."   out
Complete the following sentence. "The new toaster was broken so I brought it ... to the shop."   back
Complete the following sentence. "The sea is..., you can swim in it."   safe
Complete the following sentence. "The streets in my city are ... . it's difficult to drive on them."   narrow
Complete the following sentence. "The sun ... at 7pm."   sets
Complete the following sentence. "There is a beautiful ... on the floor."   carpet
Complete the following sentence. "There is a carpet ... the chair."   under
Complete the following sentence. "There is a carpet the chair."   under
Complete the following sentence. "There is a lot of ... in Rome. There are too many cars."   pollution
Complete the following sentence. "There was a ... at the bank. They took a lot of money."   robbery
Complete the following sentence. "There was a big traffic ... in the centre this morning."   jam
Complete the following sentence. "There weren't .... tourists in the streets the day we went.".   too many
Complete the following sentence. "These clothes are too old. You should ... ."   throw them away
Complete the following sentence. "They ... the fist Airbus in France."   tested
Complete the following sentence. "They didn't know the way but they were driving ... the right destination."   towards
Complete the following sentence. "They drove straight for some time and when they realised it wasn't the right way, they went ... ."   back
Complete the following sentence. "They went ... the park because it was quicker."   through
Complete the following sentence. "This book must be ... . you have been there for hours."   interesting
Complete the following sentence. "To stop the body ... ill you need a lot of nutritious food."   getting
Complete the following sentence. "We ... an experiment on the weather."   did
Complete the following sentence. "We ... the holiday with a tour of the Colosseum."   ended
Complete the following sentence. "We are going to wait ... he is ready to go."   until
Complete the following sentence. "We argued ... everything on holiday."   about
Complete the following sentence. "We arrived at the bar and a ... time later it closed."   short
Complete the following sentence. "We booked a holiday ... Florence."   in
Complete the following sentence. "We need to change the ... so we can have a nice and clean bed."   sheet
Complete the following sentence. "We saw a wolf cross the road so we stopped ... it. It was incredible."   to watch
Complete the following sentence. "We went ... lunch in a rustic pizzeria."   to have
Complete the following sentence. "We went to a ... dress party last night. I dressed as Snow White."   fancy
Complete the following sentence. "We went to a Haiti beach on holiday. It was like ... in paradise."   being
Complete the following sentence. "We won ... at the casino yesterday. That's why I was so angry."   nothing
Complete the following sentence. "We're going on holiday ... the UK this year."   to
Complete the following sentence. "What ... you do, if you had a million euros?"   would
Complete the following sentence. "What are you doing tonight? I'm not sure. I ... watch TV."   might
Complete the following sentence. "What are you two talking ... ?"   about
Complete the following sentence. "What do you mean ... that?"   by
Complete the following sentence. "What do you think ... Mark? He's nice."   of
Complete the following sentence. "What shall we do ... we are waiting for the train?"   while
Complete the following sentence. "What time are you coming tonight? Well, it depends ... what time I finish work."   on
Complete the following sentence. "What was your daughter like ... a child?"   as
Complete the following sentence. "What's the ... with you? Are you tired?"   matter
Complete the following sentence. "What's your ...? It's Brown."   surname
Complete the following sentence. "What's your opinion ... immigration?"   on
Complete the following sentence. "When I go shopping, I spend money ... clothes."   on
Complete the following sentence. "When I listen to music, I feel like ... ."   dancing
Complete the following sentence. "When I was a ... I was a rebel."   teenager
Complete the following sentence. "When the actor performs well the audience ... their hands."   clap
Complete the following sentence. "When you drive, it's important to use the ... often."   brakes
Complete the following sentence. "Where is my bag? ... in the living room."   check
Complete the following sentence. "Where shall we eat? What ... Carluccio's pizzeria? it's really nice."   about
Complete the following sentence. "Where's Emma's dog? She said that she ... it at home."   had left
Complete the following sentence. "Where's Mike? He walked ... because there is a long waiting time to see the doctor."   out
Complete the following sentence. "Which team do you like the ...? A.C. Roma is my favourite, of course!"   best
Complete the following sentence. "Who ... you better? Your sister or your friend?"   knows
Complete the following sentence. "Who was America discovered ... ?"   by
Complete the following sentence. "Why are you sitting all ... in your car?"   alone
Complete the following sentence. "Without a ... it's difficult to get around a foreign city."   guidebook
Complete the following sentence. "Would you like ... or sparkling water. Madam?"   still
Complete the following sentence. "Wow, this car is fast. It's the first time I ... such a fast vehicle."   have driven
Complete the following sentence. "You are so clumsy. You have ... wine all over my sweater."   spilt
Complete the following sentence. "You can ... a lot of money if you work in wall street."   make
Complete the following sentence. "You didn't finish your work in time again. You are so ... ."   unreliable
Complete the following sentence. "You stopped me ... having an accident. Thank you so much."   from
Complete the following sentence. "You two are similar ... appearance. You look the same."   in
Complete the following sentence. "Your friend looks ... Kiera Knightly."   like