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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

We ... a test on Monday   wrote
We ... British, we are American.   aren't
We ... have a holiday this summer.   aren't going to
We ... to the gym.   don't often go
We _______ a lot of fun at the party yesterday.   Had
We _______ a lot of pictures during our vacation.   Took
We _________ to the gym.   don't often go
We are late. The film ... ... ... by the time we get to the cinema   will already have started
We fully rely on our new marketing campaign and we are sure we ... new market shares.   will succeed in gaining
We had a picnic ___ the park.   In
We should consider ... their offer.   accepting
We wear shoes on our ___   feet
We went fishing last week and my cousin _____ three big fish.   Caught
What ... do at the weekend?   do you usually
What ... this summer?   are you doing
What are you....... this evening?   Doing
What did she ... you?   tell
What does "wind" means?   Vento
What is the superlative form of "heavy"?   Heaviest
What's a synonym of the adjective "available"?   Accessible
What's a synonym of the adjective "real"?   Certain
What's the accurate simple present tense verb for "to bump"?   Bump/bumps
What's the opposite of the adjective "wide"?   Narrow
What's the present continuous tense verb for "to zip"?   Am/is/are zipping
When did you arrive? I...   ...arrived yesterday
When I ... a child I ... two cats   was - had
When I ... to school I ... very hard   went - studied
When I ____ a child I ____ two cats   was - had
When I _____ to school I _______ very hard.   went - studied
When I was running in the park, I my wallet.   Lost
When my sister goes on holiday, she asks me to look ... her pets   after
When my sister goes on holiday, she asks me to look _____ her pets   after
When Sue heard the news she ......... very pleased   wasn't
When you left for the North Pole, we trusted that you ... soon.   would return
Where are ... from? We're from Australia   you
Where____________on your last holidays?   did you go
Whether she's a good actress or not is a ... of opinion.   matter
Which is the correct superlative of "slow"?   Slowest
Which of the following couples singular-plural isn't correct?   Foot-feets
Which of the following is the correct word-order?   What about going to the cinema?
Which of the following nouns isn't uncountable?   Wall
Which of the following sentences contains a mistake?   It takes several days for our suppliers for prepare the order
Which of the following sentences does NOT contain any spelling mistakes?   My friend Jason is a skilled web designer.
Which of the following sentences isn't correct?   There isn't nothing to eat
Which of the following sentences isn't correct?   The police ordered to the man to raise his hands and not to move
Which of these concepts can be considered a "commodity":   Crude oil
Which of these definitions of "sympathy" is correct?   Someone who expresses compassion
Which one is wrong?   fly/flyed
Which one is wrong?   break/breaked
Which option accurately represents the simple present of the verb "to bubble"?   Bubble/bubbles
Which sentence is grammatically correct?   I regret not going to university
Why didn't you ... that you were feeling ill?   mention
Will you _______________ about the job next week?   Let me know
With ---------------- were you talking so long on the telephone?   Whom
Would it ... you if we came on Thursday?   suit
Write in letters the following number: 8402.   Eight thousand four hundred two