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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Scrabble is the world's most popular word game. Alfred Butts, an architect, invented it ______ found himself out of ________ .   when/work
Se James non avesse frequentato quel corso di formazione non avrebbe incontrato sua moglie.   If James hadn't attended that training course, he wouldn't have met his wife
Select the correct superlative of "easy":   Easiest
Selezionare l'alternativa che completa correttamente la frase: "Because you're in that road ____________ now."   Right
Selezionare l'alternativa che completa correttamente la frase: "We simply didn't know what to choose for our main dish so in the end we made a ____________ choice."   Random
Serena: "My daughter's been promoted to General Manager." Tom: "_________________? You must be so proud!".   Has she
She ... her neighbour's children for the broken window.   blamed
She ... the exam, she has studied very hard   will pass
She ___ a funny joke at the party.   Told
She ___ her best in the competition.   Has done
She ____ very ____.   is / tired
She ____ very much ____ her father.   looks / like
She _______ a beautiful painting for her friend's birthday yesterday.   Painted
She _______ her friend at the mall last Saturday.   Met
She _________ her neighbour's children for the broken window.   blamed
She arrived ___ the airport early.   At
She has been in London ... Monday.   Since
She is ______ speak ______ the meeting.   going to / at
She never spoke about herself and was always very ______________ about the good things she had done.   modest
She was ... successful, but, when Hollywood became famous, the best days of the independent New York film companies were ... .   immediately/over
She was ........ beautiful girl that she became a model.   Such a
She works quite hard. You can't accuse her ... being lazy   of
She works quite hard. You can't accuse her ____ being lazy.   of
She would like you to visit her more often.   Le piacerebbe che tu andassi a trovarla più spesso
She's ____ tennis with her ____.   playing / brother
She's always late _________   isn't she?
She's been living here ___ 2010.   Since
She's been waiting ___ an hour.   For
She's been waiting ___ the bus stop for 30 minutes.   At
Shirley enjoys science lessons, but all her experiments seem to ... wrong.   go
Si completi la frase che segue con il termine più corretto e appropriato al contesto "... don't like going to school".   Children
Si completi la frase che segue con il termine più corretto e appropriato al contesto "... like chocolate".   Children
Si completi la frase che segue con il termine più corretto e appropriato al contesto "... like going shopping".   Women
Si completi la frase che segue con il termine più corretto e appropriato al contesto "... like playing padel".   Men
Si completi la frase che segue con il termine più corretto e appropriato al contesto "......... you like rock music?".   Do
Si completi la frase che segue con il termine più corretto e appropriato al contesto "Sue...studying French".   Hates
Si indichi il contrario dell'aggettivo inglese "Slim".   Fat
Si indichi il contrario dell'aggettivo inglese "Tall".   Short
Si indichi il corretto participio passato del verbo "to be".   Been
Si indichi il corretto participio passato del verbo "to have".   Had
Si indichi la corretta traduzione del verbo "to develop".   Sviluppare
Si indichi la corretta traduzione in italiano della frase inglese "Do you like speaking in front of other people?".   Ti piace parlare davanti ad altre persone?
Si indichi la corretta traduzione in italiano della frase inglese "Do you like your job?".   Ti piace il tuo lavoro?
Si indichi quale tra queste parole non è attinente al concetto di cucina.   Pencils
Si indichi quale tra queste parole non è attinente al concetto di giardino.   Roof
Si indichi quale tra queste parole non è attinente al concetto di ufficio.   Sand
Sociologists maintain that some of the films on show today have created a generation of very ....... children.   frightened
Some people ... Scotland speak a different language called Gaelic.   in
Some people only read the ....... lines in a newspaper.   head
Some people only read the ______ lines in a newspaper.   head
Somebody once used her advice and made a __________ out of buying shares in a small company that did well.   fortune
Someone who makes people laugh is:   Funny