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Each day I drive my kids to school. My daughter goes to a school that's far from our house. It takes 30 minutes to get there. Then I drive my son to his school. It's close to my job. Did you understand the text? Which two places are near each other?   Son's school and office
European cuisine always ________ a sense of nostalgia and romance, like running into an old flame.   evokes
Even people experienced at watching the sky, ... as pilots, report seeing UFOs.   such
Even people experienced at watching the sky, _____ as pilots, report seeing UFOs.   such
Everybody had a good day out ______ the cold weather.   despite
Everyone knows about it but no-one knows the reason ........ it.   for
Everything is going well. We ... ... any problems so far   haven't had
Everything is going well. We ________ any problems so far   haven't had
Excuse me I ... if you can help me.   wonder
Excuse me, I have an appointment with Miss Rossi.   Mi scusi ho un appuntamento con la signorina Rossi