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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Watch the hens as they begin to.......eggs!   lay
We ... British, we are American.   aren't
We ... have a holiday this summer.   aren't going to
We ......... our hotel room. Can we change it?   don't like
We ____ for mushrooms ____ the wood.   are looking / in
We ____ the bus and had to walk.   missed
We _____ to inform you that your application _____ successful.   regret / was not
We _______ a lot of delicious food at the party yesterday.   Ate
We are having a special dinner to ____ his promotion.   celebrate
We fully rely on our new marketing campaign and we are sure we ... new market shares.   will succeed in gaining
We have __________ time but not ___________.   Some / much
We have got some potatoes , but we haven't got _____ tomatoes   any
We have the ------------------------- duty to ------------------------- you that the delivery was not only late but incomplete.   Unpleasant/inform.
We look _________ to __________ from you.   Forward / hearing.
We simply didn't know what to choose for our main dish so in the end we made a ....... choice.   random
We use indirect speech when we report what someone says, writes or think. When we transform direct speech into indirect speech some changes are to be done. Find the wrong transformation:   Now --> before.
We use indirect speech when we report what someone says, writes or think. When we transform direct speech into indirect speech some changes are to be done. Find the wrong transformation:   Today --> tomorrow.
We want to throw a party before summer vacation.   Vogliamo dare una festa prima delle vacanze estive.
We went fishing last week and my cousin ____ three big fish.   Caught.
We were bowled... by the elegance of this girlfriend   over
Well, I think it is and I ... it's an impossible question to answer.   reckon
Well, I think it is and I ___________ it's an impossible question to answer.   reckon
Well, I'd rather you ____________ invite the CEO, if you don't ____________.   Didn't / mind.
What ____ when you saw her?   was she wearing
What _____ doing? I _____ the newspaper.   are you / 'm reading
What are you .......this evening?   Doing.
What did she ... you?   tell
What do you do?   i'm an engineer
What effect should child tax credit and working tax credit have on low family incomes?   Boost them
What is female of "marquis"?   Marchioness.
What is the best answer to the question: Will computers take over the world?   They might
What is the best translation in English of non ho tempo?   I don't have time
What is the best translation of actually in this sentence? Actually, John doesn?t work in Public Relations, he works in Internal Affairs.   In realtà
What is the best translation of attualmente in this sentence? Attualmente lavora nell?ufficio per lo sviluppo delle risorse umane.   At the moment
What is the best translation of ha fatto finta in this sentence? Quando l?ho visto al convegno ha fatto finta di non riconoscermi.   he pretended
What is the best translation of pretend in this passage? It?s stupid to pretend to have finished the report if you are still working on it. What will you do if the boss asks to see it?   fingere
What is the best way to rewrite this incorrect sentence from a job application without changing the meaning? I have just a past experience in the Inland Revenue.   I have some previous experience of working for the Inland Revenue
What is the correct question to obtain this reply? He?s tall and thin, with glasses and a moustache.   What does he look like?
What is the difference _____ a market and a shop?   between
What is the Italian for "break a leg "?   In bocca al lupo.
What is the Italian for "play truant"?   Marinare la scuola
What is the Italian for "to be hard up"?   Essere al verde.
What is the most appropriate synonym for practically in the sentence: A dispute over tyres meant that only six cars took part in the US Grand Prix, practically handing over a much-needed victory to the former world champion.   effectively
What is your city like?   It's small, but nice
What's the correct spelling?   Fluorescent.
What's the correct spelling?   Extenuating.
What's the correct spelling?   Exhilarate.
What's the correct spelling?   Mannequin.
What's the correct spelling?   Etymology.
What's the meaning of: litter?   Trash.
What's the meaning of: livid?   Furious.
What's the meaning of: longing?   Desire.
What's the meaning of: sleazy?   Seedy.
When ____ to the theatre?   did you last go
When did you come back from lunch?   An hour ago
When do you write to your friends?   I do it whenever i have time
When I ... to school I ... very hard   went - studied
When I was running in the park, I ____ my wallet.   Lost.
When it ____ I stay ____.   rains / at home
When she lived in the centre, she.........the bus to work   would often take
When the building was completed, all the workers were paid ........   off
When you get to the traffic lights, turn left and then go ____ for about two hundred metres.   straight on
When you travel abroad, do you ____ with your family?   keep in touch
Where are ... from? We're from Australia   you
Where did they all......after the party?   go
Where do you go if you want to buy some meat?   the butcher?s
Which adverb CANNOT be used complete this sentence: This illness is thought to be ____ genetic in origin.   organically
Which expression CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? Benigni's film _____ works by Keaton and Chaplin.   can remember
Which expression CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? Dear Sir, I would like to _____ in order to acquire new skills.   do a stage
Which expression CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? Luxembourg is ____ in the European Union.   a more little country than those
Which expression CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? The Rolling Stones is one of _____ pop groups of the twentieth century.   the more
Which is the correct plural?   Congresswomen.
Which is the correct use of make?   She always makes a lot of mistakes
Which is the odd one out? Bang, braid, groom, ponytail, bun.   Groom.
Which is the odd one out? Goose, seal, sieve, dormouse, hawk.   Sieve.
Which is the odd one out? Hard shoulder, junction, neck, lay-by, ring road.   Neck.
Which is the odd one out? Roundabout, roadside, roadhouse, sidewalk, turning.   Roadhouse.
Which is the suitable verb to translate the following Italian expression: Circolare su un veicolo?   Get about.
Which is the suitable verb to translate the following Italian expression: Prendere il controllo?   Take over.
Which is the suitable verb to translate the following Italian expression: Presentare una domanda, una proposta?   Hand in.
Which is the wrong couple?   9-> nineth.
Which month comes before July?   June
Which of the following adjectives is NOT used to describe music?   fluffy
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this passage? Do you realise that she got top marks at school in every single subject! She must be really _____ because she was accepted at university when she was only 16!   cheerful
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence: The person ____ on the phone yesterday told me to phone back today.   to which I spoke
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? Don?t forget to _____ the lights before you leave the office.   knock out
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? He left the theatre during the interval because he was so ____.   boring
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? He suggested _____ more staff.   to hire
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? I arrived at the meeting really late yesterday ____ in a traffic jam on the outskirts of Rome for hours.   after to be stuck
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? I like my job but my salary is rather low ? I only _____ $30,000 a year.   gain
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? If we knew more about the problem, we _____ solve it.   can
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? She works ____ .   enough hard
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? The election results reported so far suggest that the exit poll forecasts were fairly ____.   subtle
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? The view from the mountain top was ____.   surprised
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? We must try to _____ them from taking us to court.   avoid
Which of the following CANNOT be used to paraphrase this sentence: Many people are known to have been fired.   Hardly anyone is going to be sacked.
Which of the following conjunction is a coordinating one?   Yet.
Which of the following conjunction is a coordinating one?   But.
Which of the following connectives is a final connective?   In order to.
Which of the following connectives is not a conditional connective?   While.
Which of the following connectives is not a contrastive connective?   As well as.
Which of the following connectives is not a sequential connective?   Conversely.
Which of the following connectives is not a temporal connective?   As though.
Which of the following construction is not correct?   Take off it!
Which of the following couples country-adjective isn't correct?   Finland-Finn
Which of the following couples Italian-English isn't correct?   Starnutire-to shiver.
Which of the following couples Italian-English isn't correct?   Polmonite-lump.
Which of the following couples Italian-English isn't correct?   Zero a zero- double nil.
Which of the following couples Italian-English isn't correct?   Zoppicare-to heal.
Which of the following couples Italian-English isn't correct?   Diffamazione-liability.
Which of the following expressions means: a crazy person?   Mad as hatter.
Which of the following is NOT a correct way to finish a letter which starts with the words: Dear Jane   Yours faithfully
Which of the following is NOT a member of the family?   cushion
Which of the following is NOT a musical instrument?   pumps
Which of the following is NOT a part of the body?   eyesight
Which of the following is NOT a part of the body?   necklace
Which of the following is NOT a place in a house?   chicken
Which of the following is NOT a place where you normally play sport?   canteen
Which of the following is NOT a place where you usually study?   a roof
Which of the following is NOT a possible answer for this question? What was the weather like in London?   It was sandy
Which of the following is NOT a school subject?   story
Which of the following is NOT a sport?   squashing
Which of the following is not a synonymous of: clever?   Awkward.
Which of the following is not a synonymous of: glowing?   Dim.
Which of the following is not a synonymous of: perilous?   Harmless.
Which of the following is not a synonymous of: shy?   Cheeky.
Which of the following is not a synonymous of: speedy?   Plodding.
Which of the following is not a synonymous of: stubborn?   Biddable.
Which of the following is NOT an example of housework?   cutting the grass
Which of the following is NOT associated with sports equipment?   lounge
Which of the following is NOT normally used to make clothes?   lead
Which of the following is NOT part of a book?   capitol
Which of the following is NOT similar in meaning to very in this sentence? He?s very nice.   slightly
Which of the following is NOT something a man normally wears?   a dress
Which of the following is NOT something we normally find in a living room?   a sink
Which of the following is NOT something we normally find in an office?   a fence
Which of the following is NOT something you can eat?   farm
Which of the following is NOT something you can wear?   a wardrobe
Which of the following is not the name of a colour?   Envelop.
Which of the following is not the name of a colour?   Paperplane.
Which of the following is NOT usually found inside a house?   a headlight
Which of the following is NOT usually something to read?   a leaf
Which of the following is the correct word-order?   Last year Jane went to Canada with Marc
Which of the following might you put at the end of a formal letter?   I look forward to hearing from you soon
Which of the following mini-dialogues contains a mistake?   A: Are you hungry? B: Yes I'm.
Which of the following nouns isn't uncountable?   Wall.
Which of the following phrases is NOT a correct way to begin this sentence? two-thirds of Japan still consists of woodland areas and forest.   Is shocking that
Which of the following questions is NOT correct?   You?ve heard that he?s handed in his resigned, haven?t you?
Which of the following sentences contains a mistake?   If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beated.
Which of the following sentences contains a mistake?   John is the cleverest than the two brothers.
Which of the following sentences contains a mistake?   What'd do you like to do on Sunday?
Which of the following sentences contains a mistake?   I go sometimes to school by bus.
Which of the following sentences contains a mistake?   John's parents's are in Sweden.
Which of the following sentences contains a mistake?   At the corner she stopped buying cigarettes and then she went back on her way.
Which of the following sentences contains a mistake?   John's parents's are in Sweden.
Which of the following sentences has the meaning of: "prendersi una cotta per qualcuno"?   Janet has fallen for her new Science teacher.
Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?   He was redundant because he argued with the boss
Which of the following sentences is the correct one?   Many birds, such as eagles and condors, have the ability to soar: that is they can remain airborne. In other words they float without movement.
Which of the following sentences is the correct one?   Prices have risen recently because unexpectedly the price of oil rose last month.
Which of the following sentences is the correct one?   Fortunately Sheila didn't come to the party. She would have been talking about her problems all the time.
Which of the following sentences isn't correct?   There isn't nothing to eat.
Which of the following sentences isn't correct?   When she heard the news, she grew pale.
Which of the following sentences isn't correct?   I want the white shirt, not that green.
Which of the following sentences isn't correct?   He didn't had to cook because her wife had booked a table at the restaurant.
Which of the following sentences isn't correct?   I have been knowning Carlos for 32 years.
Which of the following sentences isn't correct?   He suggested us to go to the theatre.
Which of the following sentences isn't correct?   The police ordered to the man to raise his hands and not to move.
Which of the following sentences isn't correct?   Do you know that Joy has divorced with Henry?
Which of the following verbs can't be followed by -ing form?   To refuse.
Which of the following verbs can't be followed by -ing form?   To offer.
Which of the following verbs can't be followed by the infinitive?   To avoid.
Which of the following verbs means "to be careful of a danger"?   To look out.
Which of the following verbs means "to gather for a public event"?   To turn out.
Which of the following words is a synonym of "attractive"?   Appealing.
Which of the following words is a synonym of "dull"?   Boring.
Which of the following words is a synonym of "egoistic"?   Selfish.
Which of the following words is a synonym of "implausible"?   Flimsy.
Which of the following words is a synonym of "mild"?   Calm.
Which of the following words is misspelled?   Wierd.
Which of the following would be an appropriate way to begin a formal letter to a person you don?t know?   Dear Sir
Which of these adjectives CANNOT be the opposite of sweet?   broad
Which of these adjectives does NOT form an adverb which ends in -ly?   fast
Which of these is a noun? It is...   thing
Which of these is a personal pronoun? It is ________   they
Which of these is an adjective? It is ________.   hard
Which of these is an adverb? It is ...   quickly
Which of these tenses is Past Perfect Simple? It is ________.   She had laughed
Which of these verbs does NOT form a noun which ends in -ion?   refuse
Which phrase CANNOT be used to complete this sentence: The NATO phonetic alphabet ____ about 1955 and is approved by the International Telecommunication Union.   is old
Which phrase CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? Mel Gibson's latest film ____.   aroused a lot of polemic
Which phrase is NOT an appropriate way to complete this sentence? I?m trying to buy a house at the moment, so I _____ money on frivolities!   must save up some
Which phrase is NOT correct?   a bar of stamps
Which phrase is the best replacement for the incorrect phrase underlined? My colleague is very contrary to me. Nevertheless we work well together.   completely different from
Which question is correct?   What is Bologna famous for?
Which question is correct?   What?s the weather like in Rome?
Which sentence is correct?   I like my job very much
Which sentence is correct?   I haven?t seen him for a long time
Which sentence is grammatically correct?   Workers had to make do with a 1.5% pay rise.
Which sentence is NOT correct?   He looks his brother
Which sentence means the same as this one? The train leaves at 8.35.   The train leaves at twenty five to nine.
Which team do you think plays the ... ?   best
Which two adjectives are NOT opposite in meaning?   heavy/low
Which two verbs are NOT opposite in meaning?   win/drop
Which underlined expression in this sentence is NOT correct? Our hotel is conveniently situated less than a mile from Cambridge in a quiet position away the main road.   away the main road
Which underlined word in the following is NOT correct? Philip Anthony Hopkins shows much of the finest characteristics of Welsh people. He is intelligent, intense and devoted to his art.   much
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Like rivers, glaciers flow and so anything buried inside the ice it will eventually emerge at the bottom.   it
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Most scientists now agree that the climate is change.   change
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? A wide variety of tourist attractions are easily to reach from Plymouth.   easily
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Bronze first appeared in Central Europe around four and a half thousands years ago.   thousands
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Carbon dating is based on the fact that all living things have a certain level of radioactive carbon-14 in them and when they dead that carbon-14 slowly decays.   dead
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Chiang Mai is a charming city in the north of Thailand, small enough not to be as oppressive than Bangkok, but still large enough to be a magnet for business and culture.   than
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Exeter, one of the oldest town in Britain, is now a university city with a population of over 100,000 inhabitants.   town
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? For a friend atmosphere and home cooking, try this fantastic Italian restaurant.   friend
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Forty-nine of every fifty queries sent to the Internet's most important computers are unnecessarily, according to US computer scientists.   unnecessarily
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? If there is a serious departure from the guidelines the auditor may refuse to accept that the accounts represent a 'true and fair view' of the financial affair of the company.   affair
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? If traders are arrested for breaking regulations and taken to court it's highly unlike they will be sent to prison and fines are usually very low.   unlike
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? In the competitive industrial environmental that exists today, industry will not finance anything that isn't going to bring a profit within three to five years because it would put the companies at a competitive disadvantage to do so.   environmental
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? On 15 November 1532, a band of 175 Spanish adventurers became the first Europeans to make contact with the Incas, who highly-developed empire extended 3,000 miles from Chile to Columbia and had a population of 6 million people.   who
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? The film Blade Runner is set in the Los Angeles of 2019, a huge polluted metropolis with continuous rainfall, billboards hundreds of feet height and towering skyscrapers.   height
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? The Health and Safety at Work Act imposes strict regulates on the deployment of flammable materials in the workplace.   regulates
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? The Schengen agreement provided for the harmonisation of visa regulations, the exchange of information on criminals and the establish of common criteria for granting political asylum.   establish
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? There is fierce competition in the lucrative overseas student market in Britain, with universities mounting recruited drives using high- powered sales techniques, some of which are not wholly appropriate.   recruited
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Though the practical difficulties of cloning animals are still considerably, several recent breakthroughs have raised expectations of a viable method.   considerably
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Today, most of people admire diamonds for two exceptional attributes: their hardness and their brilliance.   of
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Under current EC regulations, individual medical patients may be referred otherwhere in the Community for treatment in certain specified circumstances, with the prior authorisation of the Health Department.   otherwhere
Which underlined word in this sentence is NOT correct? Under the terms of an EC draft directive, European countries will be complied to adopt World Health Organisation thresholds for reporting low-level ozone pollution incidents.   complied
Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? Accommodation offered on lovely old-fashioned country farm with extravagant views and excellent facilities. Prices range from ?50 to ?100 per night.   extravagant
Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? He was involved in a minor car incident last week and has broken his leg in three places.   incident
Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? I read an advice on the front door about not smoking anywhere on the premises.   advice
Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? I went to the library to buy John?s birthday present, but I couldn?t find the novel I wanted to give him.   library
Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? I?m not inviting Roger to our house again. He spilt his coffee all over the pavement and I just couldn?t get the marks off the carpet.   pavement
Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? Professional male, tall, slim, and with athletic build seeks outgoing female partner in her twenties who enjoys communicating and has varied interests. A pretentious sense of humour is required.   pretentious
Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? Six Persian kittens looking for a home. Beautiful, five- week-old grey and tabby kittens with very morbid fur. Highly affectionate and loving. Please ring.   morbid
Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? The matter of my talk today will be ?How to avoid social injustice in the workplace?.   matter
Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? Their house in the country is in ruins. It has obviously been inhabited for a very long time.   inhabited
Which underlined word is NOT appropriate in this context? This phrase is nearly six lines long. I suggest that you shorten it or split it into two.   phrase
Which underlined word is NOT correct in this context? Did you notice that the supermarket on the corner is offering MP3 players at very reasonably prices?   reasonably
Which underlined word is NOT correct in this context? Did you find the film moving? No, I?m afraid I didn?t. I thought it was so slow and annoyed that I nearly fell asleep.   annoyed
Which underlined word or expression in the following is NOT correct? A traffic warden shot in a bank robbery in Huddersfield last night. He is now safe and comfortable in hospital.   shot
Which underlined word or phrase in the following is NOT correct? Lesbos is one of the biggest islands in the Aegean. Apart from the main town, Mytilini, which is rather crowd, dirty and full of traffic, the island is lovely and typically Greek.   crowd
Which underlined word or phrase in this sentence is NOT correct? ?The Long Walk? by Stephen King is definitely the better of all his books.   better
Which underlined word or phrase in this sentence is NOT correct? A small tourist port called Portofino, on the north-west coast of Italy, was at the news recently.   at
Which underlined word or phrase in this sentence is NOT correct? Generations of my family have lived in this house since three centuries.   since
Which underlined word or phrase in this sentence is NOT correct? Given modern informatic technology, it is not necessary for the administrative part of the Civil Service, as opposed to its policy-making sections, to be located in London, within easy distance of its political master.   informatic
Which underlined word or phrase in this sentence is NOT correct? In Venice, the nine- hundred-years-old St. Mark's Basilica presides over a giant public square that has changed little since the days of Casanova and Vivaldi.   years-old
Which underlined word or phrase in this sentence is NOT correct? In Zimbabwe, many civil servants, especially teachers taking up new posts in rural areas, have recently received security vetting forms designed to control if they have any criminal record.   control
Which underlined word or phrase in this sentence is NOT correct? Located on a peninsula among the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay, the city of San Francisco is very compact, hilly, and scenic.   among
Which underlined word or phrase in this sentence is NOT correct? The Health and Safety at Work Act is the statute which has the widest impact on working conditions, its aim being to secure the healthy, safety and welfare of all workers wherever they may be employed.   healthy
Which underlined word or phrase in this sentence is NOT correct? The people at head office are always frantic busy, drawing up reports and flow charts and making appointments to confer with one another.   frantic
Which verb CANNOT be used to complete this sentence: All MPs ____ think carefully about their words, today of all days.   need
Which verb CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? I?ve _____ an appointment with the dentist next week, because I?m really worried about the state of my teeth.   done
Which verb form CANNOT be used to complete this sentence: We ____ next Wednesday about midday, so do you think you can come and collect us from the airport?   going to arrive
Which word CANNOT be used as a synonym for prevents in the following newspaper headline? Russia prevents plan to sell arms to African states.   helps
Which word CANNOT be used to complete the following: What are you cooking? It _____ really good.   feels
Which word CANNOT be used to complete this sentence. Why is the USA _____ in Africa?   intending
Which word CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? I _____ eight exams in my final year at university.   sent
Which word CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? My mother lives in a small _____ in Scotland.   country
Which word or phrase CANNOT be used complete this sentence? The Prime Minister had to ____ his talks with world leaders to return to the capital.   back out
Which word or phrase CANNOT be used to complete this sentence. On motorways, electronic message boards provide _____ on time, weather and traffic conditions.   advices
Which word or phrase CANNOT be used to complete this sentence. Professor Frith's plane _____ at 23.00 tomorrow evening.   is arrive
Which word or phrase CANNOT be used to complete this sentence: Omega Systems announced that it did not support the criminal prosecution of a Russian hacker ____ last week.   kept
Which word or phrase CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? He denied ____ his employer, but the evidence all pointed to him.   that he had stolen
Which word or phrase CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? I always have a _____ in the morning before I go to work.   breakfast
Which word or phrase is missing from the following sentence? I graduated ____ ?Industrial Management Engineer? three months ago.   as an
While I ____ a bath, the phone rang.   was having
Who are _____ people over there?   those
Who is......man over there?   that
Why are you crying? What's ____?   the matter
Why do you ....... that?   say
Why do you ____ that?   say
Why don't we go to the park instead of _____ TV?   watching
Why don't you......dancing? It's fun!   take up
Why, what ___________?   happened
Will you _______________ about the job next week?   Let me know
With ---------------- were you talking so long on the telephone?   Whom.
Workers ?statutory annual leave? is   the total holidays to which they are legally entitled
Would you like a coffee before.......back to work?   you go
Would you like me to drive you home?   Vuoi che ti porto a casa?
Write in letters the following number: 21000.   Twenty-one thousand.
Write in letters the following number: 2280.   Two thousand two hundred eighty.
Write in letters the following number: 2300.   Two thousand three hundred.
Write in letters the following number: 32000.   Thirty-two thousand.