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Lake Garda is simply one of the most spectacular tourist destinations in the world. Those visiting the lake are often struck by the tranquil quality of the surroundings and the light, which is particularly special early in the morning and in the evening: there is a short window of time, just before sunset that is known to photographers as the "Golden Hour". This is the perfect moment to create a breathtaking photographic image. Photographs taken around the shores of this lake at this time of day, in fact, have often been chosen as prize winners. "breathtaking" in this context means   lovely
Language certainly figures centrally in our lives. We discover our identity as individuals and social beings when we acquire it during childhood. It serves as a means of cognition and communication: it enables us to think for ourselves and to cooperate with other people in our community. It provides for present needs and future plans, and at the same time carries with it the impression of things past. But although language is clearly essential to humankind and has served to extend control over other parts of creation, it is not easy to specify what exactly makes it distinctive. (Widdowson H. G. 1996. Linguistics, pp. 6-7)
According to H.G. Widdowson the function of language is
   that of reasoning and communication
Language certainly figures centrally in our lives. We discover our identity as individuals and social beings when we acquire it during childhood. It serves as a means of cognition and communication: it enables us to think for ourselves and to cooperate with other people in our community. It provides for present needs and future plans, and at the same time carries with it the impression of things past. (Widdowson H. G. 1996. Linguistics, pp. 6-7)
"it enables us" in this context means
   it helps us
Large factories are .... to produce several models.   Able.
Large factories are _____________ to produce several models.   Able
Large wildfires, floods and strong storms are connected to climate change, and they have increased dramatically over the last decade in different areas of the world, as for instance the Amazon, California and Australia. Farmers have been badly affected by these disastrous events, and new farming techniques and solutions are starting to spread. This is happening within a biodiversity and "regenerative agriculture" approach. (Adapted from https://www.bbc.com/future/)
In this context "spread" means
   become popular
Large wildfires, floods and strong storms are connected to climate change, and they have increased dramatically over the last decade on different areas of the world, such as the Amazon, California and Australia. Farmers have been badly affected by these disastrous events, and new farming techniques and solutions are starting to spread, within a biodiversity and "regenerative agriculture" mentality that is both connected to agriculture as it was practiced in the past and to scientific developments and modern technologies. (Adapted from www.bbc.com/future/)
New ways of farming are based upon
   traditional techniques and scientific innovations
Last month we ____ ____ Milan for the annual meeting.   went / to
Last night Ted ____ to the cinema.   went
Last week I _____ my car to _____ friend.   sold / a
Last year, the rise in COVID-19 cases forced the government to enforce a nation- wide lockdown, __________ theatres to stop production.   causing
Latin teachers are being encouraged to use Taylor Swift's lyrics or fan fiction to help make Latin more accessible to their 21st-century students. Steven Hunt, who trains Latin teachers, says traditional teaching methods still have their place, but recommends a more imaginative approach to widen the subject's appeal. "Latin's role as the symbol of elite education is over, but involving more students, especially in state schools, remains a problem. The challenge for teachers is whether they are prepared to take these opportunities to present the subject differently, and widen the appeal for students, or whether they prefer to stick to familiar routines." (The Guardian, Apr 22, 2022; adapted)
In this context "stick to" means
   adhere to
Latin teaching in many schools is based on 1950s models and a fresh approach would attract more state-educated pupils. There seems to be a clear separation in the teaching of Latin in England, according to the British Council - with GCSE Latin offered by about 65% of independent schools, and only 9% of state schools. A four-million-pound programme to introduce Latin in about 40 state schools in England - announced last year by former education secretary Gavin Williamson - is due to start in September. (Adapted from BBC News, 7 April 2022)
The teaching of Latin in England
   has developed mainly in independent schools
Launched in 2005, eTwinning is an Erasmus+ European programme that offers a collaborative platform for teachers, headteachers, and librarians working in schools across European and other member countries. The platform encourages all those involved to communicate, collaborate, develop projects and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe. In particular, eTwinning enables schools to jointly plan and develop a project on an issue agreed by the partners via the Internet. (Adapted from Erasmus+ EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, 2022)
In this context 'enables' means
Learning goals are usually associated with subject areas and are identified as forms of knowledge, skills, and abilities. In every classroom, instructional activities are aimed at reaching goals and are organized under a goal structure. This goal structure specifies not only the ways in which students will interact with each other and with the teacher during the lessons, but also promotes cooperative, competitive, or individualistic work. (Adapted from Europass - Teacher Academy, 1 September 2020)
In this context ''reaching' means
Learning outside the classroom means using places other than the school for teaching and learning. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of these activities. Outside activities do not only involve material costs; they also involve a lot of teacher time in planning and paperwork. A report published by Ofsted, however, found that learning outside the classroom contributes significantly to improving pupils' classroom behaviour, as well as their personal, social and emotional development and engagement. Students who experience learning outside the classroom benefit from increased self-esteem and become more engaged in their education. (Adapted from Educating Adventures global site)
According to the text, the Ofsted report shows that learning outside the classroom
   has advantages for both personal development and classroom behaviour
Learning to code makes it possible to imagine the things you want to create and ____ them.   build
Leave everything as it .....   Is.
Leggere il brano e rispondere alla seguente domanda.
"Oh Lyn, you can't be serious." Bridget Cooper flicked her auburn hair back in a careless gesture that distracted every man within a two-table radius, and glanced at me reprovingly. "You look like death warmed up, you know. The last thing you should do is take another transatlantic flight." With anybody else, I might have argued that I'd slept straight through the New York flight two days ago, and that my next business flight wouldn't be until the twenty-first of January...but with Bridget, I knew, I'd be wasting my breath. Besides, I'd known her long enough to realise this was simply preamble. Bridget never worried about anybody's health except her own. And she never rang me at nine on Monday, suggesting we meet and have lunch, unless she had a reason. Bridget was a one-off, an exceptionally talented writer with a wild imagination that made her books for children instant classic, and a wild nature that drove the poor directors of my literary agency to distraction. In the four years since I'd signed her as a client, Bridget's books had earned a fortune for the Simon Holland Agency, but her unpredictability had caused much tearing of hair among my colleagues. My favourite of her escapades- the day she'd kicked the BBC presenter- was now a Simon Holland legend. And I, who had survived four years, and one week's holiday in France with Bridget, had risen to the status of a martyr.
   Lyn is one of the few people who can stand Bridget and cope with her
Leggere il brano e rispondere alla seguente domanda.
I really get a lot out of work. We have such a____(1) range of products - from beauty and hair care through to____(2) and household cleaners - that no two calls are ever the same. With laundry products, for example, we get lots of specific queries, people want to know what to use with certain types of material. We can't always go into details of all the settings of different brands of machine,____(3). We also get a lot of calls about skincare from people who want to know about specific ingredients in our products. You also get fascinating insight into the country's lifestyles. For instance, we tend to get lots of calls about cleaning products on Mondays, presumably because people buy them over the weekend. I also long for one-off problems I can really get my____(4) into, the ones that come out of blue. We once had a call from a woman who had seen a wedding dress on one of our TV adverts and wanted one identical to it for her big day. We found that it was still at the TV studio and was available for her to____(5) for free, which she did. It just goes to show that it's always worth asking.
Fill the following gaps with the correct option. (Gap 4).
Lei non lascerebbe il suo lavoro, vero?   She wouldn't quit her job, would she?
Let's go out, ....   Shall we?.
Let's go out, ....?   Shall we.
Let's go to the airport ____ car   by
Let's meet at that shop _____ the station   close to
Life would be much simpler if you _______________ worrying so much.   Stopped.
Living in a multicultural environment will teach you a lot about other cultures. For example, dealing with people from all over the world will eliminate some of the myths about other countries and some negative stereotypes about different cultures. The Erasmus programme offers this multicultural experience through which students learn to become more tolerant, understanding, and open-minded towards other people. (Adapted from The Canadian International School, 11 February 2022)
In this context 'dealing with' means
   communicating with
Long before we had complex medical machines, scientists had one way to understand the mind's connection to the body: hypnosis. Although it still represents a mystery, hypnosis may be, in some cases, a powerful tool for healing: 10 percent of the population react strongly to it, while most people respond reasonably well. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to carry out accurate experiments on hypnosis: doctors who adopt it vary greatly in how well they use their voice and storytelling techniques; they also must be flexible and follow their instinct as to what appeals to their patients. (Adapted from Ideas.TED.Com Feb 7, 2017)
   is extremely difficult to measure by scientific tests