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Gardening can be a very relaxing hobby, but it certainly requires a lot of passion! Taking care of plants and flowers can be demanding in terms of money, time, and knowledge. Light, water and temperature are primary elements to take into account and an expert gardener should be aware of how to manage each one of them. Orchids are one of the most challenging flowers to grow since they need very particular conditions to be healthy and prosper fully. Orchids are flowers which   are demanding and difficult to grow
Gardening can be a very relaxing hobby, but it certainly requires a lot of passion! Taking care of plants and flowers can be demanding in terms of money, time, and knowledge. Light, water and temperature are primary elements to take into account and an expert gardener should be aware of how to manage each one of them. Orchids are one of the most challenging flowers to grow since they need very specific conditions for them to be healthy and blooming. In this context "to take into account" means   to consider
German and Canadian researchers have compared the responses to 19 short musical extracts between 40 Canadians and 40 Mbenzélé Pygmies living in the Congo rainforest to see if there are any shared reactions. Similarities were found in how listeners in each group responded to each extract. However, the Canadians reported a wider range of emotions compared to the Pygmies. This may be due to the different roles music plays in each culture: the Pygmies use music to eliminate negative emotions, and this helps explain why they say that all the songs they hear make them feel good. (Adapted from BBC Music Magazine Jan 9, 2015)
A study conducted by German and Canadian researchers indicates that
   Pygmies tend to respond positively to all music in general
Gina is ______ person I know.   The sweetest.
Giraffe numbers have increased across Africa, new research shows. This is a rare spot of good news in the conservation world. According to a recent analysis of survey data from across the African continent, the total giraffe population is now around 117,000. That is, approximately 20 percent higher than it was thought to be in 2015, when the last major survey was published. This rise is a result of genuine growth in some areas. However, it also derives from more accurate data collection, says Julian Fennessy, executive director of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, based in Namibia. (National Geographic, Jan 12, 2022; adapted)
The increase in giraffe numbers
   is also linked to more accurate survey data
Global warming might stop ___________ we stop pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.   when
Good evening. Let me tell you what's in ... for you on television tonight   store