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Da: francky 17/01/2015 07:05:42
Testimony I have to obtain my loan with Mr Fermino SAMUEL

Contact: m.familly@hotmail.fr

Incredible, but REAL God is always tall, in the North in the South in the East on the West, we are all the  same, I have try to commit a sucide, the world fell on me, when I got nabbed 4 times in succession, I have a lot to ask, I do not know what I have for deserved it .After many  rejections(discharges) of my demand(request) by the bank,I benefited from a loan because of this very honest person  Mr fermino of nationality  Italian and who live in France .To know more about it, simply please get in touch with him by email: m.familly@hotmail.fr He  offers loan from 10000 euro to 7 000 000 euro  to every person capable of paying off to him  with interest has a 3 % low rate do not doubt this message. It is a perfect men.Make the message pass to your close relations who are needy.
If I put this testimony, i tells myself that i can save lives!! It is difficult to trust,But never I shall make to somebody what I won't wish for myself

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