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A headteacher _______ willing to listen to the opinions of others.   should be
A headteacher who is regarded as ‘politically correct':   avoids offending any minority group through anything he says or does
A language portfolio can be useful for both _______ and potential employers.   job seekers
A man to his girlfriend: "Why don't we go to the cinema?" The communicative function of the sentence is _______.   suggesting
A school _______ is given to families at the end of each term.   report
A school _______ is used to transport students who cannot walk to school.   bus
A student says: "I have already done the homework". Which is correct?   The student said he/she had already done the homework.
A synonym for "actual" is _______ .   real
A teacher asks you, her principal, to approve a project for the European LABEL she would like to launch. Which answer provides the correct response politely?   I can only put it on the Agenda for the next staff meeting.
A teacher's attitude should always be encouraging: never let a student _______ .   lose heart
An educational day trip is often known as a _______.   field trip
An educator never _______ anyone.   looks down on
Apples have become England's _______ popular fruit.   most
As competition in the job market increases, it will become increasingly important for young people to continue their education and _______.   to get a degree
As it corresponds to both the running of an organization and the people in charge of it, _______ is an ambiguous term.   management